Does Opie have any real interests?

7  2017-10-06 by MAGAUSA1776

I listened to this fag on the radio nearly every day for a dosen years and the only two hobbies I can even recall are rollerblading and filming grown men taking shits. Anything else he brought up it was painfully obvious he had no idea what he was talking about.


steering ships

Kardashians, real housewives. When those topics came up he would get all excited and could talk in detail about the characters and what was going on.

Really does sum him up doesn't it. He loves " reality " shows where the people do dumb things so he can judge them and call them stupid.

He's so unaware of himself it beggars belief.

He's a hole

According to his high school yearbook, the Opster enjoys ski trips, yachting and something described as "the Opie surprise".

Hopefully the surprise is R Budd Dwyer-like in nature

na its probably what he calls popping his camera over the stall wall

That's what you have to do when you grow up poor

We was photographing sunsets for a while

That's because Howard Stern got into photography.

I think it was because of Black Earl's photography book


Bravo Tv

Dropping hammers and anything else totally marketable brotha man.

I am only interested in a radio show that went off the air almost a half decade ago

Isn't it 3 years

Beach, Biking and fly fishing

Didn't he always lie and say he was an avid reader?

He's a math wiz

Yes he's a huge fan of the AFC East

He loves his bills, jets and dolphins

which makes absolutely no fucking sense, so to answer your question no he's actually a lying asshole and claims to like those teams to sound like one of the fucking guys when in all actuality he has tits

Whatever you like, he likes.

I go deep with the 90s butt rock maahn

His interest is raqio.

He's always enjoyed studying people...

He likes to suck about a “dosen” dicks a day.

Being gay

Scuba diving

Underwater karate.


Bleep-bloop, I'm a bot. This portmanteau was created from the phrase 'Underwater karate.'.


Bleep-bloop, I'm a bot. This portmanteau was created from the phrase 'Underwater karate.'.