Pretentious Arthouse Bullshit

66  2017-10-06 by crookedmile


He made a wannabe Miramax 90s movie without Parker Posey?

apparently louis and the valet didn't feel the same... it wont be long until louis barricades her in his hotel room and starts to violently beat his dick blocking the path to the door

Right before luis CK is about to blow his load Chloe G. Moretz starts convulsing into some kinda Incredible Hulk type fit and and shifts into her final form (pictured below), violently barreling through the barricade of stacked up hotel room furniture luis assembled

Carlton had it right all along

His obsession with being Woody Allen is pretty pathetic.

Louie has made me laugh more than probably anyone over the years, but he really needs to fall from grace. He has none of the stress that made him so funny 5-10 years ago (his cunty wife is gone, he's not on the road as much, his kids aren't babies anymore, and he finally has the critical praise he never got with Lucky Louie or his movies) so I hope that these door-blocking rumors get him in trouble so he can be funny again.

I agree. But you can’t say that his latest special isn’t back to the old Louie.

Still needs to fuck his daughter if he wants to get on that Woody Allen level.

Nothing wrong with an artsy film in some cases but I am filled with rage at Louis C.K. being "artsy".

He was like this before he got in to comedy. Just knew that dick jokes was where the money/popularity was.

-signed, Louis' biggest fan

Nah I think his art is dull/uninspired and his comedy is way too repetitive. But I get why you might think that, Reddit as a whole has this unhealthy adoration for the guy.

And a creepy title as well.

That's the point, the premise is about daughter fucking

Exactly. He wants to be Woody Allen.

You ever seen "I Think I Love My Wife", the jokeless bag of shit Louie directed with Chris Rock? He's always been like this. Fuck him.

Projecting his family issues on us. Whassamatter, Louie? Mommy not fuck you enough?

It would have been better if it was him projecting his issues with his cunt wife (because that was almost always funny) but it was actually a remake of a gay French movie.

I'd rather watch him jerk off

Like you'd have a choice.

That's basically what you'd be doing if you saw this

Is it really surprising that he’s an artsy fartsy fag? Before his marriage went to shit, he wasted 20 years doing artsy absurdist material on stage.

Black and white and full of jazz music. Who would have thought.

What a faggot! What a faaaaaggot.

With those cunty glasses he looks like he's midway through morphing into Bobby Kelly.

DUUUUUUUUUUUDE you got your lenseless glasses, you got your liberal agenda, you got an inflated sense of self worth. BOOM. Art house film, dude.

I keep looking at this poster and wish that lady's face would morph into Lauren's and push that artsy fuck off the page.

Louie's not even worth being called the retarded Kubrik

horace and pete was clumsy and contrived and i have a feeling this is going to be even worse. i hope i'm wrong, but this isn't really keying up my optimism.

Everything was fine except for the shitty drop-shadow mess they used on the title font. Fuck me thats aweful

Christ, he really does believe he's some French New Wave auteur.

Better than believing he's an Italian Neorealist, amirite? haha!

He couldn't even be original. There's already a shitty arthouse movie about daughter-fucking called 'I Love You Daddy', and it frankly looks more interesting than his pretentious black & white bullshit.

Louis looks like the front desk person at an upscale vegan restaurant

Louise CKs to artsiness is the equivalent of Tango and Cash to action movies.

This film does not look cunty (it does)

It's 2017 and there's a picture taken at ISO 51200 on the cover so you know it's good. (That means the picture is very noisy when these days it's very easy to avoid that)

I bet Chloe Grace Moretz had to up the ante and give him a blumpkin for that role, considering she has the body of a mini fridge.

She grew up to be a real disappointment.

Things were looking good for a minute there, and then it went downhill quick.

Her parents gave her drugs to stunt her growth just for a few more years of child stardom and resulted in that fire hydrant. Shame.

He is lauded as a genius. He is basically a French filmmaker.

He's going for that make my daughter watch me jack off in a motel room vibe. Nailing it.

Douche chills.

I wouldn't call it Arthouse, unless you consider Woody Allen Arthouse.

Between his turn into thinking he is an artistic genius + jerking off in front of unwilling women makes me not like him anymore.



Louie's not even worth being called the retarded Kubrik