
59  2017-10-06 by JoeCumiasCockBreath


Who is that nice-looking African American gentleman?

I bet he has eyes closed. Weak retina'd motherfucker.

Left ear pierced means your gay, both ears pierced means your double gay

Nigerian scammer

I've never seen an actual human who looks so close to Homer Simpson.

Please. Homer didn't hide his baldness and he loved and provided for his family.

Homer also had fully functional retinas.

Homer also wasn't a faggoty biker wannabe

That’s a steam room dick sucker right there

I'm offended that this high-yellow bitch ticks 'white' on official documents. He's indistinguishable from [Ice-T].(

The resemblance is uncanny.

Hasn't he hit that age where he just needs to cut the shit?

Yeah about 40 years ago from the looks of him.

Who's the half negro?

Child spit connoisseur. Poor taste in music. Loser of the family.

A degenerate Long island douchebag fry cook.