Dumb Cunt

180  2017-10-06 by fingerofgawd


Men who wear ear rings are either pirates or paedophiles.

I wonder which one Joe is...

Well her certainly isn't one of those!

He looks like that pirate from the Caribbean movies.

" arrrgh me ol' matey, I is no pedophile whitey supremacist arrrgh "

I wanna see the Caribbean movie


"arrr im here for ye kiddie dribble!

"drink up me hearties, yo ho!"

that was a nice impression of a pirate

I should to go on South America Has Talent.

Yo ho ho and a bottle of spit

I heard he fucks kids. He didn't gave a decent comeback to that. Guilty.

That bewildered expression really sums up what an intellectually subnormal idiot this Algerian man really is.

Just look at that stupid horrible face

I hate him more than I should

"What do you mean you're out of kid spit?!"

This is the face you make when you realize the judge isn't buying your internet bullying stories and you might have to explain where all that junior spit came from.

I feel bad for Ant for having him as a brother. Joe probably sodomized him at one point. Poor Ant.

Anthony's producing a new show called "They're Not People's Court"©

I am belly laughing at work hahahha

Are ya?

You're like Norton funny

There not*

All jokes aside, Joe really does look like a hardcore gay faggot dude

Tell me about it. I'm dripping pre.

This fucking little bitch is backing down from the snn debate. He should burn his cut, he too much of a faggot to even cosplay as a biker.

How dare you doctor this man's likeness on that "imager" site???

That is what a man looks like without a brain.

tfw you go to court over a contract technicality but your real goal is to attempt to clear your name publicly and under the purview of a judge, only to ahve the judge waver between not giving a fuck and signaling that she doubts his story and that they probably are his words

Joe, nobody gives a fuck. Those who do will find piles of autistic research here that will make them think you're a piece of shit and then stop paying attention to it. You will continue to be harassed and plagued by these for the next 20 years until you expire, and the biggest legacy you will have left is how much you fed bullies through your laugh worthy attempt at showing them up.

Funny how you mention millennials with snideness, then cry to an authority figure over being bullied and basically ask them to help you and do something about it.

Leave, leave Joe, stop takling and leave the internet forever, it can only do harm.

That was neither deep nor legal but definitely shit.

depth, legality, and shit will all be involved when I'm done with you


but he was making out with hot 15 year old babysitters on the couch when he was 9.

He isn't dumb. He went on national TV and won 2,000 dollars. All he had to do was publicly acknowledge that he is widely considered to be a racist pedophile and repeat that he is not a pedophile or a racist several times.

He isn't dumb. He went on national TV and won 2,000 dollars.

Yes, he is. He'd have won the same amount if he'd gone to actual court, and not appeared on TV looking like a valour-stealing racist. Now, a shitty "reality" show is using him describing himself as a "vicious, racist, paedophile" over and over again in their advertising; and his episodes will in re-runs for Christ knows how long. People are going to point at him in the street, and he'll never know if it's just his look, or they've seen the show.

haha. You read that one sentence and had to reply before reading onward.

I read the whole thing, just missed the last sentence. I read it as you saying he'd made a smart choice to go to court, and then fucked up while in there.

yeah sarcasm on the world wide web doesn't always work.

I firmly believe that he is a dumbass. A mere 2,000 dollars is not worth risking sacrificing your reputation- especially when your job depends on it. He's a self destructive moron.

he wears shiny things on his ears.

Leik a daaahl's eyes.

"People say I am a violent White supremacist. I know, I'll show up to court with a shaved head and a shirt advertising that I was in the military!" Fucking mongoloid.

Is that Buck Angel?