"Blade runner 2047" was the best movie I've seen in years

1  2017-10-06 by axeheadroad

Now tell me why it sucked.


Because it's a sequel to a 30 year old movie, with the torch being passed to the latest Hollywood heart-throb.

Did you wear the jacket from "Drive" to the screening too, fag?

Yeah I thought gosling was too good looking but he was actually decent in it. I hate Jared leto as well so thankfuly he was in it for like 10 minutes.

Leto is the fucking worst, I have no problem with Gosling.

Why don't u marry him then?

I'm not fucking gay you fucking faggot only gays are gay.

Thankfully he's in like 3 scenes and isn't too much.

He wanted that role to go to Bowie too bad he died

The latest heartthrob? Gosling has been around for a while at this point.

I guess my subscription to Teen Vogue lapsed, queer

So you're pretending to not know that Ryan gossling is a leading man?

You are the phony.

Where did I call anyone a phony, and what vested interest do you have in other men not keeping up with the career of the guy from "The Notebook"?


I didn't even know what the notebook was.

I watched it and got that cool scorpion tattooed on my back.

Why would I wear a jacket that an actor wore in another movie?

Ryan Gosling is like the male Angelina Jolie to me, there's this coldness about him in every role I've ever seen of his and I can't connect with or give the slightest fuck about any of his characters.

Try this, friendo.


It's a full frontal nude shot of Gosling.

The only thing naked about it is the truths he's spitting.

I honestly thought I'd hate this movie because of Gosling and Leto, but Gosling was great, the only thing I liked him in before this was "A place beyond the pines" where he was this cold boring cunt, but this movie really suited him.

How is Leto? He seems fairly not bad in the short they made a few weeks ago. Creepy blind guy.

He's in it maybe 10 minutes and its a 2:40 minute movie.

He didn't leave a mark on the movie at all.

Cool. That's probably for the best.

they are both satanists

It has the same director as the guy who made "Sicario" and "Arrival" so I knew it would be good. That dude is very talented. Sicario is one of the best movies I have ever seen.

Loved both those. I know its cool too hate on Hans Zimmer but the score to BR2047 WS fucking amazing.

Agreed. "Prisoners" and "Enemy" were both pretty great as well

I especially enjoyed the lighthearted upbeat music.

Because he shot his wife in 2013

As far as modern day Hollywood stars go he's okay by me. He seems very laid back, almost to the point of not giving a fuck and I think that comes through in his acting sometimes.

He was funny as fuck in The Nice Guys.

Have you seen blade runner?

Not yet. Hoping to see it tonight.

Spoilers: han solo shows up for some unknown reason?

I thought he was dead


It’s ‘2049’ you fawkin dope

There is a part in the film where Han Solo is explaining what las Vegas was like and I was like "unless you like country music"

The theatre went wild.

Did you flip over a table holding 9/11 memorabilia when you left the theater too?

You better not be winding me up!! Il check it out later

It's 2049 you jerk

My mother did drugs with child.

Denis Villeneuve is the freaking man. I can't believe I'm saying that about a French Canadian.

I diildnt realise he directed those.

I'll be waiting for the home release, got banned from my local kinoplex for lying about having a date with me last time I was there

Watch it

I jerked off 3x during it so I’ll give it 3 stars

I guess my subscription to Teen Vogue lapsed, queer