Alex Jones slaps his bitch Paul Watson back into line once he goes against the narrative

18  2017-10-06 by FlashVirus


NM my bad bro

I've talked to "planetologists" lmao what dummies are watching this stuff and buying it? He pretends he's talking to scientists using made up words

Put that on a t-shirt you fuckin faggot

LOL that was hilarious, he was pretending that the "information" he was "receiving" was coming in really slow, like an old-fashioned ticker tape. "No cameras, guys, no cameras"...LOL! People buy into this guy's act?

I do

It was painfully obvious he wasn't reading anything. Bad actor.

It was embarrassing and the best example I have seen of him lying. One of the best videos of Alex and I've seen a lot over the last year. It can never be just a crazy person who does a violent act, he always has a conspiracy angle and it has to with his narrative. The antifa connection and spastically grabbing the CIA sources was hilarious

I thought it was hysterical, especially how the "information" came in right at that exact moment, right after the other goon dismissed his nutty conspiracy theory. "No cameras" the camera guy was going to knock over the entire set to get a close-up shot of his cell phone LOL!

People are buying it too. I keep reading comments online of people who are convinced that the shooter didnt act alone.

Even a dumb sheriff in Vegas said the same thing during a press conference, the FBI responded and said it was totally unfounded and the sheriff should shut the fuck up.

This shooting is going to fuel conspiracies for years cuz there doesnt seem to be an obvious motive other than the dude hated people

this is too deep.


Jones used to be funny and peppered in a little truth in between. Now he's just blatantly lying. What a con artist. PJW should leave that shit. Same with that Owen guy. They both seem like they'd do well away from Alex.

Agreed. It has to be exhausting to work for him.

he still is

I bet you Alex is like an Opie behind the scenes. A lot of people have difficulty getting along with him.

Well imagine my shock!

"And I'm gonna delete this information now"

The fuck is this shit? He just broadcasted this to hundreds of thousands of listeners. What would be the point of that? Nervous lying piece of shit...

To protect the source

How? By deleting the message from his phone and him not being able to access the number again? It would work again someone stealnig his phone, but it obviously went through some sort of a service and all of those are monitored. If the NSA/lizard people really gave a shit, that'd still be tracable.

But he was obviously lying. There was no message.

I need to get my eye brows teased like this fella

Alex Jones is a lying retard, but Paul Joseph Watson is a cringey faggot as well.

*you didnt mention Brain Force or Tangy Tangerine every 3 minutes in your report Paul!!! C'mon man you're sliiping!!!"