Opie has finally snapped

48  2017-10-06 by FlashVirus


You think he feels a little jaded?

Howard's day on the stand will come and Sirius will have to fess to crippling the O&A show just because it made him happy.

I’m starting to feel like there has to be something more to this situation that we don’t know yet. Even the most unethical lawyers/agents/chef friends wouldn’t lead him on this badly.

Some attorneys don't care if their prospective client has a chance in hell to accomplish their legal goals. Also Opie might have gone shopping around for an attorney that would tell him what he wants to hear. SO, yeah it could be legit some attorneys are just want to accrue fees and don't give a fuck if his case has a chance in hell.

So to your point: Is it entirely possible that Opie could take both of these guys to court based on poor legal advice from an attorney that just wanted to tell him what he wanted to hear, inevitably LOSE the case, then have both Roland AND Howard counter-sue him for everything?

I can only get so erect.

A few years ago it seemed like a pipe dream to witness Opie's mental breakdown live on twitter but here we are.

Remember Opie sued the NY Post about the Bam tape allegations & was saying how he didn't care how much it costs bc of the principle of it all. & he ended up losing

I doubt he's serious. He just wants to deflect from having to acknowledge Anthony and Artie destroyed him yesterday.

But lawyers will sue for anything. They get paid and corporations will pay people off just to go away because it's cheaper in some cases.

Here's what he said to me a minute ago. Dude just doesn't get it.


Couldn't he be sued for doing shit like this? Someone shuld tweet this to Roland's twitter account and let him know Opie is about to release the vid.

Opie should be institutionalized already. If he had any family or friends that loved him they would've stepped in by now.

They want him to kill himself even more than we do

please do it, opie. it'd be a great idea. you'll prove everyone wrong!

That’s hilarious. We will never see that video. Who knows, maybe it is tame, and I guarantee it is awful, but we will never see it.

I resent him using a Jimmy term when he has a whole mug full of quotes to fall back on

Opie pointing to SXM's financial statements: "I earned that."


I also look forward to these depositions

Can you even get a deposition for a civil trial over unpaid contract or wrongful dismissal? I highly doubt it. And Roland and Howard would never be directly involved unless he's suing them directly or the company doesn't just get his statement in writing.

He's apparently building up a big 'defence' even though he's accusing them. https://twitter.com/OpieRadio/status/916103240684630017

If he gets past the initial pleadings stage (survives a Motion to Dismiss), then he can absolutely depose people. Roland or Howard could try to kill the depositions before they happened (called "quashing" a subpoena). Howard's lawyers would probably be successful. Roland, on the other hand...

"Gregg...what are ya doin." - Larry Snortin Norton

Bert... put your shirt back on.

I have to believe Opie watched Ant and Artie talking shit on him and he’s violently throwing things while tweeting this nonsense.

the only thing Opie got de-positioned from is a paying job


that works, right? i think that kinda works

Just realized how much of anti semite Opie is.

I bet Tits dreams about Howard Stern every night.

I don’t know if those accounts are real but since they’re being nice but still against Opie actually fucking himself up more, I’ll assume they aren’t fakes. But God damn, If all 3 of your fans tell you that you’re acting like a little revengeful bitch about something that happened months ago, then maybe it’s time to actually not blame everyone else, fuck face burp

Cool, we broke his brain.

If it's one thing about these guys (O&A): They're ABSOLUTELY self-destructive. They get it all, then they lose it all. Let Opie take Howard to court: OPIE WILL LOSE AND HOWARD WILL COUNTER-SUE HIM FOR EVERYTHING HE HAS.

This is getting really sad. Is he even dumber than people on here gave him credit for being?

Impossible. In our interpretation of him Beetlejuice is smarter than he is.

everyone who's ever worked with him hates him.

If Gregg actually sues and people are actually deposed, anyone can purchase a transcript of the depositions from the court reporter.

Yeah, there's no way this could blow up in his face, and I'm sure Stern and Sirius' team of sharks will let Tits' (probably imaginary) ambulance chaser get things to the "deposition" stage.

Is Tits implying a conspiracy between Howard and Roland?

"You go in there and take a shit. But take it so it's irresistible for Tits to not record. Lotta grunts and groans. Really play it up! Then go to HR. I'll do the rest. ;)"

Or is it that Stern was opportunistic, and teamed up with Roland to sink him after the fact.

"I heard what Opie did to you, Rollin. It's awful. I think you should make a beef with HR. Then I'll swoop in, and.........tell Sirius they should fire him?"

If this pitiful threat ever made it to court, the biggest takeaway would be Tits' unacceptable, inhumane, toxic behavior in the workplace. A lot of the shit he pulled over the years would play terribly in a court of law, and former underlings, co-workers, and management would gleefully line up to testify what a cunt he was.

I'd pay good money to watch a judge and jury's reaction to the cakestomp video.

He took a video of a guy in the bathroom then showed people. He's lucky he wasn't arrested.

Bert... put your shirt back on.