The cucked out, dick slobbering reverence that white reddit faggots show Terry Crews is pure cringe

2  2017-10-06 by relaxredditfag


Can you explain to the other 95% of this sub who Terri cruise is

He's the big black guy that beat out Patrice for the role of the father on "Everybody Hates Chris". He's also famous for Old Spice commercials.

He's a cartoon level caricature of a Black man who might as well be Amos; reddit is full of white cuck faggots who worship Black dick and somehow don't think it's racist that their only Black heroes are corporate approved clean Blacks like Morgan Freeman's voice or Minstrel Crews.

you're pretty worked up over terry crews

Any of you with usernames based off memes from this sub need to be burned alive.

he's more of a character not a meme


edge lord

your name involves being mad at "redditors" and you're downvoting people like a fag

I'm not mad you dumb faggot who can't even be on topic in a joke sub.

NOTHING about o&a is a JOKE to me sir.

Now get back to the topic of being mad at reddit for being full of faggot redditors. You're a fool

This reads like a guy who spouts this shit then just inhalers black dick every weekend in a seedy by the hour motel.

Keep projecting your fantasies onto others; I hope you were raped so many times as a child that you've been contemplating suicide over it, and finally do it.

I bet you thought this comment would kill too. "Fuck man, I'll hit him with the black dick sucking joke, that'll get me some high fives from the regulars."

Why don't you block me, faggot? You love reading about black cocks. I bet you have a shotgun and just see how far down your throat you can get it while watching Brooklyn 99

No, it's that you obviously obsess over people's dicks and sexuality. Sounds like you were molested as a kid and can't get over it.

Project harder you cocksucking reddit faggot.

What the fuck is your problem, man?

Please DM me pics of your erect penis.

"Le user name checks out"

I hate Reddit faggots just as much as you do. We're on the same team, man.

Not if you're an actual faggot, unless in that case you admit you're mentally ill and need help.

He's the big black guy that beat out Patrice for the role of the father on "Everybody Hates Chris". He's also famous for Old Spice commercials.

He's a cartoon level caricature of a Black man who might as well be Amos; reddit is full of white cuck faggots who worship Black dick and somehow don't think it's racist that their only Black heroes are corporate approved clean Blacks like Morgan Freeman's voice or Minstrel Crews.