Artie and Anthony discussing Opie right now.

61  2017-10-05 by suchanjv

Almost makes the sub worth it. Mostly talking about the future of Opie and how he's not even capable of spinning records.



braunheiser rules!

I want to fuck you in the ass.

No homo of course.

He is fabulous! (not labeling it)

I would think he's cool in a gay way if he wanted me to

Rink prease

What the f r u doon?

Nigga stole your bit.

Holy shit artie looks bad. Is it possible to develop a port wine stain or do you have to be born with it?

Looks the same over the past 2 months to me.

Yeah I just listen to the show, it is so much better that way. Watching it just makes me sad.

Comparing now Artie to high on drugs Conan appearance Artie makes the extra effort to watch the show worth it

The audio is also free. It helps

Wow, i can't believe people watch this. It's just fake laughter.

You're not wrong. Artie is on pay me autopilot and anthony is his usual disingenuous self.


They did shat upon tits, and for that they get a pass.

Today only.

Of course the clip ends with Artie leaving to snort substances up his remnants of a nose.

Thank you sir!

We’ve known this for years. It doesn’t make the sub worth it.

The sub has passed you by.

trow a link nigga

ME: I don't even fawkin know the guy



Look, I'm gonna come clean, alright?

I like raising Bam's kids.

It was my idea.

Artie on Opie "maybe he's a professional faggot"

Can someone post it....

That was pretty interesting

Oh Boy, when I get home, I will take a listen cause I got a subscription.

Oh man I can't wait to listen

u talkin bout a $5 footlong or sumthin'?

It's odd how neither knows the other's history. Artie didn't know about the O&A and O&J on air fights, Anthony didn't know the pelican story.

Almost is as if they were on air at the same time

But those stories are two of the reasons they're together right now. It's like Jason Newstead being shocked Cliff Burton was crushed by a bus.

Nice reference, Florentine.

What are you, 5?

Or sour shoes. It's like the Flintstones meet the stoned Jetsons

They both probably know about it, but it doesn't work for a show if you act like you've already heard all your co-host's stories.

Artie's "This would be like Howard having a falling out with Beetlejuice" line was brutal.

Who? me?

Yeah, that line summed it up perfectly.

It's nice that Artie is now up to speed on Tits. He's always been diplomatic and complimentary towards him, and has stayed out of it, but you could see he was putting some things together, and now gets what a jerkoff Tits has always been.

I got the vibe Norton bent Artie's ear at least once down the Cellar about what a cunt Tits was. He perked up when Anthony went into the Jimmy vs. Tits stuff.

Also, Artie's friends with some of the other people Tits has a retarded beef with. Artie's probably thinking "how the fuck can you have a problem with Vos?".

I'd love to know if he remembers any of this

"guess what? we work too hard to hear that fawkin' shit!"

clip: off

Thanks for posting this, though. I'll try to get through it in 30-second increments.

Wait, Vos and Opie have beef now? How the fuck did Opie piss off Vos?

No, Tits is pissed at Vos, for committing the unpardonable sin of going on Jim & Sam.

What a cunt

I really did think that Opie would end up on some smaller market station with at least Carl Ruiz. They tweet each other everyday so I figured it's only natural that they would be doing a show together. But I guess the guy has no viable options in radio anymore.

Small markets hire local radio school grads for 20k a year.

There's no market for non-stop talk radio outside of the biggest cities. Opie won't do a show where he has to play music because he's called everyone who has ever done that a failure. He has shit talked himself out of a continued career, luckily.

He won't do a podcast because he knows it will be a failure and his ego can't handle that.

Yeah, I guess so. I always thought the guy had some, however meager, options in radio. I could be wrong.

I understand the thinking, but he's not even talented enough to do radio in a small market.

Those small market radio guys have to work twice as hard; they have to know the area and the local history, references, sports teams, etc. There's no way know nothing/no effort-Tits could get up to speed on, let alone maintain, that.

"I gotta check out Irene's on Rt. 93 again" and "Where we at with the Smolesberg Spartans?" wouldn't cut it.

Also, he needs a team around him just to get up to awful, and there wouldn't be a budget for that.

It's quite the embarrassing downfall for the guy. He really doesn't have any options in radio.

Some small town stations don't even do that. A lot use sat-fed programming services.

Hey this ain't so bad, I thought everyone said this show sucked ass.

Because it does! Opie Raqio 4eva

I think the show is good on a regular basis. The quality is high and ant and artie have chemistry. Fun show

That sums it up well.

I don't know what people are watching/listening to to say that this sucks by comparison, unless it's classic Stern and O&A.

Even then, it's worth a listen.

They could do without the visual element, though. Yikes!

I've avoided all of the shows since the show itself split up, but you may have sold new on a CM subscription. I'll need more evidence though.

Dude it's a good show. Fucking Sour Shoes called in that genius

All I want is 4 everyone to shit on Opie forever.

tHAT DUDE THAT called in with the artie imitation was amazing.

Re: ant vs Opie......who fucking cares anymore FFS.

Sour Shoes

Howard won't be pleased

Steve Langford has a big cock.ooooowwww.

The fake laughing. Anthony is so awkward.

I enjoyed this. Artie might convince me to pay. His years on Stern are one of my favorite times in radio.

Also - if Ant gets any uglier he is going to have to wear a mask.

I'm still amazed at how relatively diplomatic they are re: Opie. You know they both detest him and you know they both want to just torch the bridge once and for all and tell the world all about what a dick with ears he is but they always stop just this short of doing it.

"Opie being a professional homo" I don't care if Artie snorts heroin off the desk while Ant jerks off while crying, thinking of 1974 Stable SEX with Richard. Any1 who bashes this show is 1 of opies 20 fake accounts or his family, or whatever loser he has to pay to laugh at his faggot catch phrases.

Who? me?

Yeah, that line summed it up perfectly.

It's nice that Artie is now up to speed on Tits. He's always been diplomatic and complimentary towards him, and has stayed out of it, but you could see he was putting some things together, and now gets what a jerkoff Tits has always been.

I got the vibe Norton bent Artie's ear at least once down the Cellar about what a cunt Tits was. He perked up when Anthony went into the Jimmy vs. Tits stuff.

Also, Artie's friends with some of the other people Tits has a retarded beef with. Artie's probably thinking "how the fuck can you have a problem with Vos?".

That sums it up well.

I don't know what people are watching/listening to to say that this sucks by comparison, unless it's classic Stern and O&A.

Even then, it's worth a listen.

They could do without the visual element, though. Yikes!

I understand the thinking, but he's not even talented enough to do radio in a small market.

Those small market radio guys have to work twice as hard; they have to know the area and the local history, references, sports teams, etc. There's no way know nothing/no effort-Tits could get up to speed on, let alone maintain, that.

"I gotta check out Irene's on Rt. 93 again" and "Where we at with the Smolesberg Spartans?" wouldn't cut it.

Also, he needs a team around him just to get up to awful, and there wouldn't be a budget for that.

What a cunt