showerthought: This sub is great because it's just like the_donald but we don't have to pretend we're not racist or that traps aren't gay

0  2017-10-05 by MrMagoo69xxx

Do you have any O&A showerthoughts?


people at r/The_donald are actually conservatives. i believe a lot of people here are left leaning and fed up with other liberals.

i hate most other liberals i see in the media, and every liberal on the rest of reddit. But i still hate faggot trump supporters just a bit more. kill yourselves you suburbanite, wannabe redneck cunts.

Bit passive aggresive, not the best way to fight an ideological battle

agreed, i should be more aggressive. fuck everyone

We get a lot of people who are mad that theres too much volume on the donald for them to get noticed.

this post contains too much reddit. also wew

This sub is kinda like a hoverboard

Yes I do. The donald is retarded.

Trump and Clinton are both shitheads.