If anyone believes that there's some truth to what Alex Jone says

0  2017-10-05 by sarahemmingway

There were more shooters in Las Vegas there's video proof of shots fired from the 4th floor


Even if it is true, without a video, nobody's ever gonna know.

post the link, lady

you make no sense

https://youtu.be/66OPAWJY5ng He shows it 4 minutes in.......

I only trust Alex Jones when he's selling various dietary supplements. The rest of what he says is nonsense.

Hahaha you fuckin tard


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Anyone that believes anything Alex Jones says should just kill themselves for the betterment of the gene pool.

Can't believe i just spent 13 minutes listening to an Australian retard showing the evidence that there's LIGHTS in LAS VEGAS.

3 and a half minutes in and this ozzy cunt hasn't said a fucking thing worth hearing.

That was fucking unbearable. Did anyone even see the light he was ponderously blabbering on about?

Let's pretend to take this seriously? So what? Someone fired back. That's not impossible to believe in Vegas. How the hell does something so simple turn into a convoluted conspiracy?

Don't believe shit that fat little liar spews from his fat mouth. He'll give you a little bit of truth then he throws in blatant lies and turns it into some massive conspiracy.

There's a great moment where Alex is talking to Paul Joseph Watson and he isn't going for the conspiracy. Alex gets an imaginary text from a cop saying ISIS did it and used the guy for a patsy. Watson doesn't believe it either and Alex snaps at him.

