100% Italian 011 // Joe's Agent

120  2017-10-05 by porsalin


Welcome to 'da paaaahdcehst

You've got a beautif....you've got a wife

I think we should lay off the wife. Don't give that shameless, deadbeat leach the opportunity to show his wife the comment and say "See?! They're attacking YOU TOO"!

I question the authenticity of this. He did not mention he was on addie enough or that fans from South Dakota are irrelevant.

I question the authenticity of this.

It's 100% Italian, dude. Says it right in the name.

He is 100% that's why he needs the Celexa for that fuggin' Italiano rage

you're a class act

Fawkin beautiful!

Haha hole-lee shit. Well done.

You don't have to go full frontal but they're expecting some ass.

I snickered.

Gayer than Vito.

That impression in uncanny.

i get all warm inside when i see a new paahdkeest

he's free til January 2027

Sorry in advance for the dreadful voice acting of the agent guy. I had 2 fellows lined up to send me audio but they fell through so I winged it.

Drex would be very disappointed if he heard this.

"Hey it's me", so simple but really catchy.

Thats the only part I listen for, I can't really handle much longer

I cant stop saying it with that stupid fuckin voice

I can't stop TAWkin with that fuckin VOIIce that he USES on the PODcast. It's ADDICtive and it's RUINING my LIFE.

I don't think this is the real Joe Matarese. I don't even think the dude is American. The number of buttons he hit to call his agent is indicative of someone in the UK.

So that probably means it isn't his real agent, either.

Maybe? I mean anything's possible.

I really like playing these over and over.

If mah wife finds out I'm takin' gigs for less than 50 bucks again she'll start peltin' me with frozen gabadeel...

I look forward to these like Christmas morn.

If I give ‘Joe Matarese’ 5 bux, will he roast me?


Almost certainly

Matarese is upset about THIS?

I can't tell you how happy it makes me to wake up to these. Thanks u/porsalin !

Jeeze. This one had some sting to it. Porsalin set out to hurt feelings in this one. I'm very erect.

Wanna' sword-fight?

You got it sailor.

His agent sounds like a ghoul from Fallout.

And Anthony looks like one!

I didn't realize u/porsalin was not American till I heard the ring tone.

Yeah, what is that noise? Ive been meaning to ask, u/porsalin. Is it audio of porn/people fucking in the background? And if so...why. (Just curious)

I think he said it was already in the original version. Which makes it even better.

Ha ha. It does.

I don’t even know who joe mattress is, but this is hilarious

He's the host of podcast 100% italian

I just made cumsies!

you're a good faggot!

"I'm burning material for a room of geriatrics." ;)

These make my life better. Thank you.

Loved it. Catchy hold music, too. This is my new favorite podcast.

Cream of the crop yeah

How is this funny again? he sound nothing like Joe Matarese.

I've been asking myself that for 11 episodes. Not sure how I keep getting away with it...

Your editing is good.

Yeah, what is that noise? Ive been meaning to ask, u/porsalin. Is it audio of porn/people fucking in the background? And if so...why. (Just curious)