Can someone put money on Mr. Kuhn's jail phone account and interview him for the sub?

29  2017-10-04 by bosstop3837

I think it'd be fun, no?


Get a hold of SNN.

If Stinks re-appears and will conduct the in-depth journalism involved in such an endeavor I will send money.

He checked in not long ago. He's alive and well. Well he's alive anyways.

Hair of a princess. Chest hair of a sexual terrorist.

At least he didn't have drugged out bug eyes this time.

Where is he when we need him most...

I may have to contribute.

Maybe Joe Matarese'll get him on 100% Italian.

I'm assuming someone from here will start a mail correspondence with him at some point? You can screen shot all the funny jokes from here so he has something to laugh at it will be nice for him.

Best part is you can really send some esoteric messages because the guards won't understand any of the references

Really stinks you're in here. Your brain must be on the brink. Must make you feel like a real brother Joe. Aids.

Sniff its fawwwkin hard in here. Management just doesn't get it.

Best part is you can really send some esoteric messages because the guards won't understand any of the references