What did he mean by this?

43  2017-10-04 by HorsesAgain


Soundbars suck dick. What a shitty product to kill your kid for.

Never let your kid die for $300 or less.
Should have at least gotten like a Boze surround sound or something.




Sound bars are killer. Kid killer to be specific.

He might be a child murderer, but at least he isn't a liar too.

dun! dunn! dunnnnn!!!!

No fucking way.

today is full of surprises

Just imagine what tomorrow may bring ( hopefully kisses and candies ).


Oh uncle Paul.

So reddit got a warning 3hrs before he actually stole one??? Sounds like a false flag to me. Can we get Alex Jones on this? Oh wait this guy was trying to smear Alex's friend and guest hosts brother? TRUE FLAG TRUE FLAG, for once.

Ladies and gentleman I have sources in the FBI telling me that u/killakuhn was a mentally ill patsy.

I have gotten word from my some sources in the NYPD that it was a fake baby.

Honest question: when do you think he will be back on reddit