The arbiter of morality in america also created Crank Yankers and The Man Show

21  2017-10-04 by CONCHOPETEghostcock

Why dont we listen to our betters?


Conan is cool. The rest of the Late Nite guys are pure shit.

You know Conan was hired as entertainment for the Bohemian Grove. Hence why he mocked bill burr for suggesting Clinton attends eyes wide shut style parties.

The Bohemian Grove is where elites go to get shitfaced. The place itself doesn't seem that special, it has been in the red for over a decade and has struggled to find ways to make money besides raising membership fees. They logged so much of the surrounding forest they got their permit revoked by the state and were sued for not paying their staff enough


But also, I doubt the "elites" give a care


This place is a no-holds-barred nuthouse where unsavory language and edgy opinions run rampant

But what will my black friends think?

Its seems like some weird fraternal shit and hammered networking. Its probably more about a lot more about status and tradition than devil worship

weird fraternal shit

Like devil worship?

He also financed and took part in the 30 year long tormenting of a mentally ill person. Oddly Gavin Mcinnes was also involved.

I'm going to protect my audies, if I get the ok then i'm going to hit you from an angle you never saw.

That movie is one of the funniest things I've ever seen.

I occasionally tune into some of his many podcasts and the guy is reaching Opie levels of delusion and Artie levels of repetition. We get it, your parents sucked and you know all about woodworking and cars because you're a manly man.

Yeah. It's gotten unlistenable. Its too bad because it was ok. The difference between Adam and Opie is Adam does multiple shows.

This post is clearly referencing Jimmy Kimmel

Kimble Kimble rips off Howard. Two fags in the same pod (tribe).

Hey dummy he meant jimmy kimmel!

Someone clearly watched Ben Shapiro's take on it.

No but im sure we would agree.

Yeah. It's gotten unlistenable. Its too bad because it was ok. The difference between Adam and Opie is Adam does multiple shows.

Hey dummy he meant jimmy kimmel!