Right now someone is sitting in jail mourning killing his son

4  2017-10-04 by Dennyislife

And yet he'll also be laughing thinking about what the fuck we are making of it. A small sliver of sunshine in the darkness that is the rest of his life before eternal damnation.


Someone should print out all the posts and mail it to him

I would bet good money a certain biker gang member will be doing this.

he's thinking "damn, shoulda shoplifted a tiny tuxedo"

I dunno, even though that guy is the one who got Brother Joe's shit canceled, he never seemed to post here much. Most of his recent post are from "mainstream" reddit and he was late to the game on the People's Court thing even airing. He's probably in jail thinking about /r/adviceanimals or something

Oh, was he just a legitimate sjw? That makes him fucking with Joe slightly less fun and his own downfall slightly more amusing.

he's really thinking, "well at least i dont have to spring for that expensive, tiny casket."

Honestly, it would be the last thing on my mind, that my little internet club found out about my very local crime. It wouldn't truly sting until I had internet access, logged in again, and saw all the messages in my inbox directly referencing the embarrassing and shameful crime.

We should send him some rich vos cassette tapes to help him get by

I would bet good money a certain biker gang member will be doing this.