I realized how much I like the new AA show

29  2017-10-04 by The-Lunger

Ant just announced Artie is out for the day (at Dr.) and I lost almost all interest in listening today. Ant is back to rambling about guns. Hope Artie's back tomorrow.


Unlike Ant, Artie isn't afraid to bully the guests a little. I actually think Sherrod's dumb Halloween show will be great because of how quickly Artie will sniff out his phoniness. Here's to hoping Artie can turn the show against him.


He spelled Artie's name wrong

That show would be great without Sherrod.

It's terrible.. turned on in the middle of ant doing his "Let's look at the numbers from black on black gun violence" while smiling uncomfortably into the camera..

The guests, who Iv never heard of, came in.. last 5 more minutes

Switched off.. this isn't even worth stealing

So you're saying nobody is stepping over their kid to hear Anthony Cumia's prolapsed anus of a mouth blabber while Artie Lange is at a 4pm doctors appointment?

It's not just Anthony's constant repeating of his opinions, it's how unnuanced they are that's so frustrating. The man thinks he's speaking gold when it really just comes down to 'fucken niggers'.

Same here. I used to watch TACS almost daily for the first year and a half, then i stopped watching. But the new show is soooo much better and Ant Diane bring the funny without artie.

Yeah, dude, I did the same thing. I hope Artie isn't dead