Ant is doing Dipaolo's show tonight. Call in and have a nice little chat about today's events

37  2017-10-04 by Dennyislife


I bet they'll have some hot takes on Hillary's cankles and how tv commercials make white guys look dumb.

They really take no prisoners in 2007.

"Sure 59 people were killed by a man gunman last weekend, but what about the 10 people killed in Chicago at the same time?!"

someone please ask about sue lightning

Anything else would be a waste of breath.

I wonder if Nick knows anything about the Sue Lightning saga.

I doubt it. Nick always seemed horribly surprised when Norton's tranny stuff was brought up to him. I think he purposely tunes it out.

This is gonna be a good one. Is Ant going to be in studio?

Shoutouts to my Gilgoregirls

I hope they bring up Artie and Nick tells him I told ya so.

They'll just make it into a race thing again.

It was a police CHASE, he wasn't racing at all.

"This was the PIECE OF SHIT who got my big brother's show CANCELLED! oh yeah and he's responsible for a dead kid."

I love Nick even tho i dont agree with alot of his views but, i sadly dont think he will be on sirius much longer. I have been listening since the start and he has been ramping it up the last 2 weeks. Hope he lands on his feet and starts his own thing (since i dont think compound can afford Artie and Nick).

Sirius seems to like him. The problem with the right wingers on radio is that they are all unfunny lying assholes. Joe can be funny, doesn't really lie that much and doesn't pretend he isn't dumb. Plus he can do an interview with a non right wing comedian. He is the future of radio, or the beginning of the end of it. He's safe at Sirius until he asks for health insurance or something crazy.

Who the fuck is joe? I only listen faction on sirius. I just noticed Nicks been flirting with the n-words are all the problems lately.

I always mix up nick and that other Long Island guy, joe derosa Not a fan of either, but neither annoy me enough to have a strong opinion.

Is he one of the guys making $350 a show?

What events?

Anthony sounded hammered at 9:30pm.