REMEMBER: Joe "Dances On Children's Graves" Cumia threatened to sue Stinks if he loses his Meadowlands gig due to his own racism

20  2017-10-04 by SHITLORD_CUNTDICK


That must be why he disappears, he's afraid of losing his favorite pair of skinny jeans in small claims court. That shit is serious, son.

That's not even how IP addresses work.

Are you saying google doesn't send out your IP address with every email you send?

You'd think a guy who reconstituted mashed potato flakes in the army 35 years ago would realize that.

Sue everyone!

That Meadowlands gig must mean a lot to Joe. Oh look, it's on October 14th. That's in 10 days. At the Meadowlands Racetrack. Presented by Victory Sports Bar & Club.

Sounds like a great event.

Can someone post the imgur screenshots of Joe's racist tweets so I can save it? I feel like getting drunk this weekend and ruining Joe's life instead of my own for a change.

This is kind of embarrassing.

OMG! He's actually racist?


All you motherfuckers are gonna pay.

We're gonna make them eat our spit and then spit out our spit and then eat their spit thats made up of our spit that we made them eat.

holy shit

Holy shit. I never actually read that until now. Joe Cumia is really dumb, like he might actually be retarded. That's just sad and pathetic. All those times he snorted crank and free based coke (smoked crack) must have really done some damage to his brain.

I feel like this sub should continue Kuhns mission

We're gonna make them eat our spit and then spit out our spit and then eat their spit thats made up of our spit that we made them eat.