u/porsalin is a cunt

94  2017-10-04 by Single_Action_Army

I just keep going "Heeey, it's me, Joe Maaaaatereeeze!!" to myself all day and now can't stop.


You need fixin'.

PayPal me five dohlllllas and we can get staaaaahted

Ok i'll do it for free, just don't tell my wife

You need to be... Medicated!

I thought 100% Italian was done by the actual Joe Matarese so I avoided it like the plague, I just found out what it was and listened, holy fuck are those funny

Welcom ta da paahcast

Same thing happened to me. I found out a few days ago.

Me three guys

Oohhh! Me four!!!

It wasn't until the threads about how Joe got the Youtube channel taken down that I figured out they were fake.

He's a Brit too. All in on the bit.

Is he? That's pretty incredible if true.

He gets our New Yawka huma

Fawwwk. You have to be in deep with this region of the US to pull that off.


Omg, are you 100% Italian?


Same. Figured it out when it actually made me lol

I can't stop either.

Why does it sound like fuck sounds in the intro?

Porsalin y dont he go rich yachtin or sumthin?

I went through a loop of saying "they just laugh and call me a spaghettIFHAGott

....ya there Josh?

And his Tony Soprano "It's a very difficult situation" is so off-point that its on-point.

Yeah, me too. Credit Mike David with starting it, and actually doing a better impression, but Porsalin made it addictive. His assault on Josh Robert Thompson is one of the funniest things I've in recent times.

Agreed. Mike gets a lot of hate round these parts but whether you like him or not his Joe is pretty damn funny.


What is the sound during the intro music?

100% Italian is funnier than anything Materese has ever done, aside from being born.

100% Italian is funnier than anything Materese has ever done, aside from being born.


You need more in your repertoire. I have that and "Welcome t' da paahd-cast."

Or any piece of it.


"it's me"

"it's (x)"

It's like a song that's stuck in your head.

Did he do the majority of the Gilgore impersonations also?


You guys know he's a Redbar guy right?

Not exactly - I'm not really any sort of 'guy'. It's just that I don't get involved in the redbar hate like the rest of the sub.

Weird, because in the chat during the live REDBAR radio show you pretty much admitted this sub would start to hate you. You do a scaled back version of mike's matarese impression. Just say it.

If you hate Redbar so much why are you hanging around in his live chat too? Just cause you like snitchin' or?

I know you're trying to 'get me' or trip me up for some really bizarre reason but I'll answer anyway.

Yes my impression is definitely influenced by Mike's. It's very funny when he does it. My thing started from the JRT troll video - something that was pretty much done in the moment to fuck with some oversensitive periscope guy. It was well received and I figured why not keep the bit going?

Perhaps I should have clarified - I feel Mike might believe I lifted actual material in addition to basing my really hacky and terrible impression on his cadence. Not that any of this matters in the slightest but as stupid and pointless these things are, I still make some efforts to write them out myself and make them funny.

As for admitting the sub would start to hate me, yeah I generally feel that'll happen. Sooner or later it'll be too much matarese or too much of me. Nobody knew who I was or gave a fuck before these and nobody will give a fuck later on. It's the nature of the beast and I've seen it happen over and over again for years in this sub. And yes, I said that in the Redbar chat. I don't pretend I don't occasionally watch. Like I said - I don't get involved in the redbar hate. Does this make me a 'redbar guy'? Personally I'm not into that divisive, polarising nonsense. I don't belong to any groups or partake in any of that tribalistic stuff. I just watch who and what I want and don't really put too much thought into it.

As for this 100% Italian thing, I'm actually only doing one more to make it a round 12 and then retiring the bit. It's starting to get a little too much Joe for my liking and I got the reaction from Joe I wanted - which is the main reason I did them. I was actually finished after the 8th one but Joe got my channel shut down so I didn't want to let him 'win'. But that's neither here nor there.

I still don't quite know what your point was - were you grilling me? Did you think you had dirt on me? Are you trying to out me? I don't really understand.

Instead of killing the bit completely maybe you could just slow it down and do one every few weeks. No one ever turned on wigger rich