Hey, how many dead kids is this one worth Kuhn!?

32  2017-10-04 by A_Friendly_Creeper


a theft of $228 worth of merchandise from Walmart.


995.98 / 228

That Wallyworld speaker system is worth, roughly, 4.4 dead chirren.

Your own children. 4 dead and one with dangly spaghetti legs.

Damn that mug is expensive. No wonder he went on that murderous rampage

He actually went for like a 300 dollar vizio!

What do you think he was going to do with it? Listen to some tunes? Now all he'll be able to hear is his sons life fading away on repeat.

I've never heard of these soundbars. What's wrong with the speakers that come with the car?

It’s apparently for flatscreen TVs

Before today it never occurred to me that someone would want to add a speaker to a TV but I guess that’s why I’m white.