Anyone been to the Comedy Store in LA?

4  2017-10-04 by Virginia_Beach

Got tickets to the late show in the original room for Saturday night. It appears no one notable is going to be there except for Bobby Lee, although that Annie Lederman is going to be there, too. Anyway. there's like 10 comics that night, how long are their sets with so many comics? Any advice from those who've been there? Thanks, my friends.



We all live in England here pal

You ever have a full English breakfast?

Not in a while. I've come to realise its just a stupid amount of food for breakfast.

Yes, if that's the one with the eggs, sausages, Heinz beans, toast, and tomatoes. It's good. I still make Heinz beans on buttery toast.

Yes, many times. You'll have fun. They do like 10 to 15 minutes per set. It's great. I've also been there to watch podcast shows. There's a few different rooms to watch stuff. Sometimes the best shows are the ones where nobody notable is there because well known comics will drop in and do 10 minutes.

If you go to Zankou and aren't eating their garlic sauce you don't know what you're doing. LA comics blow. I spent a lot of time at the Store. Still, its the best club in LA. I've seen Bobbly Lee several times at the Comedy Store and they were all worth your time.

Oh yeah that garlic sauce is what made Zankou famous. Los Angeles Magazine did an article about its murderous past. Here:


Thanks for the advice. I haven't been to LA in about 6 years, so any food suggestions are welcome. I'll check out Zankou.

Yeah man Zankou is the perfect food especially since you're planning on drinking. Have fun. LA is awesome, lots of things have changed in six years. You can take the Metro rail/subway all the way out to the Beach now. I usually get on the Expo Line train at downtown Staples Center and just chill and enjoy the ride out to Santa Monica.

No but I've heard every fucking story about the place.

You'll probably get a decent drop in Saturday night, been happening a lot. Sandler popped in I think last week. Yeah it's weird lately they've been really stacking it with no names.

The service is TERRIBLE and they take all night to get your drinks or bring your check. I highly suggest getting both of your two drink minimums right off the top, and paying cash. If you pay with a card and want to get out of there at any point, you'll be waiting 40 minutes.

Parking sucks and is super expensive; if you cruise a block or two past the Store, you'll come to a light, I think it's Larabee. The only right you can make (Under the "EAT" restaurant) down into a little parking garage. You can park way cheaper there, often times even for free. The attendant is only there like, sometimes.

Yes, great advice. Their waitresses are known for being scumbags. Don't trust them with your debit/credit card ever.

Yeah, I subscribe to the email list and they've had some great people in the past three weeks, so I hope to get to see some of them. I've seen Burr in a theater but would love to see him in a small theater. Thanks for the advice about the waitresses. I will do as you said and buy two and pay with cash. Is the seating first come first serve, and how many seats in the original room, if you can ballpark it? I have tickets to 10:30 show, and the door opens at 10... what's a good time to arrive? Meaning, is there usually a long line? Thanks!

Uber is a great idea, I didn't even think of that.

It's first come first serve. You can always ask them to sit you as close to the front as possible too, if you want. They're usually pretty cool about it. OR seats about 300 I think. But they REALLY pack you in there, it's like being in a plane. Id def get there at 10.

If you wanna see famous people, go to take a piss in the back hallway bathroom, that's where everyone hangs out.

Cool. I’m sure I’ll be pissing quite a bit. I have no desire to be up front, just not in the back. Thanks again

Word. Good luck. Pour some liquor out in the front driveway, Steve Lubetkin did a swan dive off the Hyatt next door after Mitzy blacklisted him, splattered in the front of the Store. (But at least he got his name painted on the wall!)

Thanks again. After the Comedy Store I’ve only got to hit up the Cellar in NYC and my comedy venue bucket list will be complete.

If u are around to the very late hours, check out Jeff Danish or Ryan O'niell. They habe a podcast called Danish and Oneill, and been in/ out the store scene for years. They were on the Punch Drunk podcast this week on youtubes All Things Comedy channel. They shat on one of the host, Ari Schaffer, for two hours. They are into comedy pranking fuckery like Ari, but been focusing on scrip writing the last few years.

Oh yeah that garlic sauce is what made Zankou famous. Los Angeles Magazine did an article about its murderous past. Here:
