Sweet looking bitch

22  2017-10-04 by ScorzeMan


Who dis bitch

illiza schenger or whatever her damn name is





Arnizold Schlezzineger

Goddamn that bitch is funny

Ugh what a whore

I'm not complaining.

The best thing about modern feminism is these dumb broads being bamboozled into taking nude photos for affirmation daily.

What a hilarious, brilliant, and brave woman (this pointless comment in no way serves as a bookmark for later).

That old trick.

Man, she is famous and still has to take nudes to keep a guy attracted

Hell yeah! The female human holding her is nice too.

Oh the old reddit commenter switcharoo! 🤣

if you say that her boobs look fake on instagram shell get mad

They ain't fake. I seen them. They're all droopy and shit.

Yeah but if you still say it she'll end up flipping out on some waitress later tonight


That's her "service animal". She's apparently got anxiety or an ingrown toenail or something, and the only thing that helps is taking a highly-strung yappy dog on planes, into restaurants etc. to service* her.

* I'm assuming; the mechanism of effect is unclear.

That would be a great myth to spread about the dickheads that need a "service animal" to go to wal mart...that the reason for it is when they go to the bathroom theyre getting "serviced" by the dog, I knowim just repeating your thing but id love if that was the commonly held explanation

Would hit.

*In the ribs.

Oh, Anthony.

I prefer Rebel Wilson.

I'd prefer Owen Wilson.

That's repulsive.

I'd show that hefty gal my twig and berries.

Not bad if she lost the accessory dog and giant retard sunglasses.

Reminds me of all those times Pryor and Carlin and Kinison posed in bathing suits.

Women are just as funny as men!

And this bitch goes after other lady comics for over sexualizing their material.

She looks nice but every time she opens her mouth to say anything shes so fucking insufferable.

Lemme see your cooter

She'd be hotter/funnier if she didn't have abs and traps like Rick Rude.


she looks like a meerkat

i would fuck her in the vagina with my dick until i came, if you know what i mean

You get an upvote for reminding me of that Tom Cruise story.


What the hell story is this?

Apologies for the late reply, shitty internet went down here.

It was when Moshe Kasher (I know, fuck that guy) was on Joe Rogan's podcast.

Someone invited Tom Cruise to a SuperBowl party out of sheer politeness, not expecting him to come. Well, he actually turned up. After a while, they start talking about married life, and Tom chimes in with...

"You know what the best thing about marriage is? FUCKING YOUR WIFE, am I right or what?!"

Wordplay Yuma.

She should know by now, putting out pictures like this will do nothing for her career. She should try writing jokes.

Who is this broad?

I remember reading that when her photos leaked online, her contacts were leaked online too, anyone see them?

I mean, I'd fuck her, but her head is so far up her ass I wouldn't be able to fit my dick in there.

You could stick 17 of YOUR dick in her ass with room to spare.

Fried egg nailed to a wall. Go fawk yaself

Who is this tramp

Oh, Anthony.