SNN EXCLUSIVE: /u/killakuhn, the guy who caused Joe to go on The People's Court, has run afoul of the law

240  2017-10-04 by NastyFuckPig


Quick rundown: /u/killakuhn, accompanied by his 2-year-old son, got caught stealing from Walmart. He crashes his car while trying to get away, and his 2-year-old son gets ejected from his car. He steps over his dead kid’s body while unsuccessfully trying to run from the police.

SNN EXCLUSIVE: Kuhn becomes a Coon

A 2-year-old boy was killed in a multi-car accident on Tuesday after police say his father crashed his car while fleeing from a Walmart theft. Esteemed member of the O&A sub /u/killakuhn (aka Christopher Kuhn) went to Walmart Tuesday afternoon with his 2-year-old son. Law enforcement sources confirmed to SNN that Kuhn attempted to steal a $229 Vizio soundbar, but was caught by Walmart security. As they called the police, Kuhn fled the store with the stolen merchandise and his 2-year-old son in tow. A witness on-scene tells SNN that Kuhn allowed his son to climb into his Jeep, and neglected to secure him in his child safety seat before fleeing.

As Kuhn sped away, he ran a red-light and was t-boned at the intersection of Route 13 and Levittown Parkway. SNN spoke with Fernando Medrano, the driver who t-boned Kuhn as he attempted to flee:

“I try to brake but I could no” said the illegal immigrant*. “He was going too fast ese”.

Upon impact, Kuhn’s Jeep flipped and rammed another car travelling north on Bristol Pike. As the Jeep flipped, Kuhn’s 2-year-old son was thrown from the vehicle. The child was taken to an area hospital, but did not survive.

“I see dee baby fly and den he go run away” said Medrano. “I just could no believe it.” Police say Kuhn paused and looked at his 2-year-old son’s lifeless body before stepping over him and attempting to flee from officers.

Kuhn has been charged with 3rd degree murder, homicide by vehicle, retail theft, and related charges. He is currently being held on $5,000,000 bail.

*alleged illegal immigrant

For those who don’t remember, /u/killakuhn (aka Christopher Kuhn) was the guy who got Joe’s gig at Trenton Social cancelled, which led to his appearance on The People’s Court.

His last O&A post:

All of the brand names in this story just confirm that everyone here is white trash

Steps over his own kid like a pile of dog shit.

He probably had an injury incompatible with life.

in a way you gotta admire the guy

And his final comment for the next 20 years:

Some jails have Internet in the libraries. He could be back.

he could also hide a phone up his asshole.

That would be pretty epic

That would be pretty epic

That would be pretty epic

when he's right, he's right

And when he's wrong he kills his kid.

Jesus Christ

I wonder NOW who's butthurt at the end of the day

accompanied by his 2-year-old son, got caught stealing from Walmart I bet it was the kid's idea to steal that lucrative Vizio soundbar.

Famous last words:

It looks like she doesn't even have an ass crack

Fucking hell. I always thought the whole "o and a attracts degenerates" thing was just a self deprecating joke but now im rethinking it. Fuck this cunt.

And he was one of the good ones with a job and family.

and family.

not anymore.

This one really upset me, like for real. I member chatting with him.

u/anthonycumiashow comment?

What did he say? I hope he really teed up this heinous tragedy, like if he talked about how his son was gonna be president one day.

Just basic shit chat about the Kumias and Sue's peckhas.

SHow some compassion its not his fault his baby is a 5 pound weakling who cant even survive a good car crash!

some people smh!!!!

One of the hosts of the show we follow was fired for threatening to assault a black woman and went on a racial tirade on social media. Then he was convicted for assaulting his too young girlfriend. The other host was fired for filming a fat old man defecate. The co-host is in a relationship with a nordic man pretending to be a woman.

But Jimmy Saville was a renowned pederast, which makes your comparison much more stark.

Whoa, let's make a little correction. He was renowned necrophiliac pederast

It’s especially bad because dead people can’t consent, so it’s like he’s raping these child corpses

That's why I always make sure I get notarized consent forms from the corpses BEFORE I sleep with them because then if they change their mind, I still have it in writing.

Thats often hard to do. I find it much easier to force them to sign a consent statement before i kill them.

This bit fuckin ended with my funny joke, greedy fuckin idiot

I started it, I end it.

This is my bit now, ladies.

Chippy chi aye futhamucka.

the fact the can't consent, make whole question a non-entity. Shinckle 'bout it .... he dindu nuthin

Well it is fucking bullshit, to be fair to the late Mr. Savile. We wouldn't want to besmirch his name.

"sex pest" seems pretty mild right?

Some cannibal corpse shit right there

Fans of the show, including celebrities, praised one of the hosts for not executing an unarmed black women.

I'd like to state for the record that I served my time (still owe roughly $2000 though) and that i'm completely rehabilitated. By rehabilitated I mean I no longer have to drive drunk because I moved to a city where I can get blackout wasted every night and just take the subway home.

Just don't have kids.

Because in 12 years they'll end up at Anthony's house.

12? Ant doesn't date old hags.

and finger fuck all the chubby jewish ladies you want.

Yes sir! As some would say i'm "Livin the dream"... besides the often overwhelming feelings of failure and loneliness, i'm doing pretty good!

carry on!

We still don't know the details of your crime of passion though. Do an SNN tell-all interview to clear the air.

Are you really surprised? Of course they attract degenerates. Opie is the least degenerate human on that show and we hate his guts

some of us are good peeps. Don't lose faith!

No. No youre not.

Fair enough, but as a bad person I gotta try lieing, royt?!?

I think much like 4chan this place mostly attracts those with a darker sense of humour or trolls. We say horrible shit becouse we find it funny and that knowing its horrible is part of why its funny. However there is a small percent of people out there who trully love the sick stuff and dont see the joke. They end up thinking they are in a safe space. They hear an uncle Paul bit and think "preach on brother" 4chan as a result has helped catch many kid lovers and gays and have had them tosed off of tall buildings.

I'm honestly surprised that this subreddit has minorities posting here too. Every other joke is about blacks or hispanics.

The real atrocity here is that we never got to see Adrianna nude.

that fucking CUNT

No but I did jerk it to that scene with the lesbian tennis coach and her asses all together like a binary star system.

same here

how green was my fucking valley

I member I super lol'd when I heard that line first time. That was over 15 years ago when I was young and not fat.

He was framed. Keith the Cop is behind this.

False flag?

I don't want to compromise my sources, but yes, signs point to it.

i was a navy seal!

A fighder!

A Govehrner !

False fag.

The kid flew out of the car at free fall speed. Explain THAT

And no jews went to work at that Walmart that day. Oh wait, no jews have ever worked at Walmart.


False Fag if Keith is involved

This. He was made an example of for fucking with BroJoe.

Police say Kuhn paused and looked at his 2-year-old son’s lifeless body before stepping over him and attempting to flee on foot.


Well what the fuck dude, do you expect him to step on the kid's body?

Seriously, what an ass. The people on this sub make me sick. UGH.


"Over" you illiterate fuck.

You have severe retardation.

dude woke up that day like he had every other day of his life but tomorrow he will spend the rest of his life in jail. how quickly things can change.

Make no mistake that fella is a criminal scum, hope he gives a shout out to this sub tho


... That's terrible, I'm sorry.

As a good O&A fan he said "Won't see him no more" before running.

It's a rhetorical question, but why flee? You think with your son is dead, you just stop right there. He had to steal a VIZIO, it's not like he can afford a ticket out of country.

They changed wording:

Kuhn ran away after the crash, police said, pausing to look at his injured son on the roadway before fleeing

holy fuck

Oh shit man, I was really hoping this was all a goof.

Not a goof, sir. SNN prints nothing but the truth and is the most trusted name in news.

If I didn't hear it from the most trusted source in O&A sub news I wouldn't have believed it.

there better be an official SNN piece in the works. I'm not reading this tabloid trash version of the events.


This is just genuinely upsetting all around.

Yeah, even this sub might struggle with making light of this

Tssss yeah a fawkin red light

fawk yeah, what is this kid a prostitute or sumpthin tss

I am too broken. Laughed at a number of posts here.

I said struggle

Just like with rape, endure through the struggle, and you eventually will succeed.


I'm gonna tap out of this one.

The kid was white?

Ok, now I'm angry.

Means he stole that kid too

So no great loss to the world then.

He also posted at r/quiver, devoted to orgasms. Well-rounded, I say.

Here's a sneak peek of /r/quiver [NSFW] using the top posts of the year!

#1: She cannot stop it | 92 comments
#2: Oh! I'm cumming! | 57 comments
#3: She cums hard | 56 comments

I'm a bot, beep boop | Downvote to remove | Contact me | Info | Opt-out

Thanks, sneakpeek!

fuckin lmao

Ok faggot, what’s next?


Nice people on this sub...


Yeah, I sometimes think it'd be healthier not to come here, and if these are the people this sub attracts it makes it pretty clear

Yeah, but you come back because of the darkness. The darkness is good.

Makes me want to smoke a little extra Kratom tonight.

Don't do it ;_;

"Black eyes…lifeless eyes…like a doll's eyes…"

Father of the year material right here, eh gang?

He technically isnt a father anymore.

At the end of the day I'm gonna keep getting blown by my beautiful wife, go to the park with my handsome son, get paid every Friday at my awesome job, and send dick pics to all your mothers on a regular basis. So suck on that retards!!!

God's justice is sick and disturbing.

I don't want to have to start sending my mom dick pics again.

I've done this before. It's a pretty awkward way to start your day.

The weird thing is this.. my mom wasn't even interested in dick picks until my arms were broken....

This isn't the rest of reddit, faggot.

I said mom, not dad you sick fag.

Wow totally forgot who this sick fuck was

I guess the job wasn't all that good.

And the son's no longer that handsome.

And he took him for a "drive", not to a "park" Little bit of automatic transmission humour there.

transmission humour there.

(1) Limey fuck.
(2) lets leave Jim Norton out of this

I heard he got his tranny fluid topped up this week. WOOT WOOT! I LOOOVE YOU!


dance dance dance dance dance to the radio

And he won't be getting blown by his beautiful wife. Maybe he'll be some lucky guys wife in prison and do some blowing though.

He got 9 votes for that retarded tirade. 9 other people on here thought that was a brootal "take that!" and rewarded him for posting it.

Their kids should die too

At least the karmic retribution for one of the worst posts ever was mercilessly proportionate.

I was upvoting him at the time because I felt bad. I had to make sure to thank him of this service because he brought this sub one of the biggest events in history, and everyone just shit on the guy.

Please if there was any gods justice we would all have aids by now and Opie and Anthony would have stabbed each other to death

I'm truly jaw dropped by this... I can't even think of something funny to say.

This is legit the dude that gave us one of the biggest events in the subreddits history. Unbelievable. This is better than any tv show.

This is better than any tv show.

This is the REAL PFGTV.

He has Artie nose.

Nice nose

that smirk says it all

"...he bit and strangled her..."

No fucking way

Jesus. Why was this animal still able to have his kid?

Of course Stinks is in the comments.

Also, you are just a junkie heroin addict so your opinion is pretty much worthless dude.

To Stinks I presume. Well, time makes fools of us all, doesn't it?

With that hair and that wrapsheet, I would assume his name was Christopher Cumia.

Let's not be quick to judge here. That could have happened to any of us.

It did happen to some of us

t. Christopher's two year old son

We don't have Walmart here

Tescos sucks ass.

What about big asda?

I don't have a car at the moment

I have a shitty car with a transmission thats about to quit AND an LG soundbar. Im one of life's winners.

I don't and will never have kids.

What a kuhnt

And a killa too.

Obviously he was plotting his son's demise all along...

Eh, probably better than growing up with degenerate garbage parents.

> stealing a vizio

He's still not as bad of a person as Opie

What an absolute piece of shit. Killed his kid and ruined his life for a fucking VIZIO sound bar.

are they nice ?

Vizio is what poor people buy when they think they're getting a good deal

so not worth losing a kid over?

Kinda hard to generalize. Is it an Opetta?

Depends on the quality of his setup before band

No it's not, Vizio is garbage

Isn't a soundbar just a skinny slab of plastic with tiny paper drivers in it?

If you're gonna kill your kid, at least spring for a nice receiver & some floorstanders.

Well depends. I mean anyone can make a kid. Not everyone can make a sound bar

Every slope can.

Too bad its his nose and not his eyes thats sloped then

Tell that to my friends and family dropping 30k+ for in-vitro or adoption. Not everyone can make kids.

For a measly sound bar, he put his healthy child's life at risk and then abandoned him while he was dying. :(

Be more funny

Fuck off, figures you'd use Opie's favorite sound byte. It's a shame you weren't in that jeep, rather than the little boy.

Right back at you, slick.

Thank you!

Don't get mad at him because you shoot brine shrimp.

Ouch, that hurts. Good one, dude!

Okay, terrific.

Don't be mad that you're such a virgin that you'll never be able to have a laydee dump out your own living starting line.

At that point adopt an asian thatll make u unlimited soundbars

This is a brilliant solution.

A soundbar seems like a much more sound investment.

I'd swap a kid for a soundbar .... but I aint got either - so it's a moot point

Depends on the kid. Downer? Definitely.

"The Vizio SB3621n-E8 is the best soundbar under $300 we have ever heard."

Well, multiple sites that review soundbars would disagree with you, sir. Vizio may not be the best, but if you're in the market for an item under $300, then it's one of the best. If you have a mortgage or other bills and don't want to get in debt then who cares about brands? If it serves the purpose and fits your budget, then enjoy it. Why turn your nose up at someone else's sound system? 💩

Why the fuck would you steal a budget option then, einstein?

Well fellow genius, I was merely replying to someone else's off comment. It's something people do here on Reddit.

To answer your question, I don't shoplift, so I'm not entirely sure how someone would steal a high-end item. I haven't been to a store like best buy in years. But judging by your zinger, you're far more intelligent. I'm sure you can figure out why people choose to steal Walmart items over the more expensive stuff. Of course, this isn't the topic that I was referring to, but I bet you'll resort to calling me a cunt or dumbass or both. So kudos and thank you, sir. Give yourself a little pat on the back.

I only called you Einstein mate, you okay? Are you upset because you had to settle for a cheaper soundbar? I'll think of you when I'm watching flicks through my sony and be more appreciative of the rich sound.

Sony? Goodness, you rich bastard. Look out Paradigm/Marantz/Klipsch/etc, this man hasn't got room for your no-name shenanigans.

I don't even have a soundbar. I'm just trying to wind folks up.

They leave the shit brands out and have to get the good ones from the stock room at some stores.

It was the same shape and color of his dick

Why turn your nose up at someone else's sound system?

Maybe that explains Chris Kuhn's face?

The kid was physically thrown from the car, not due to physics and motion, but due to that brat dissing daddy's new speakers.

Not specifically a sound system, Vizio products in general are for poory's

Their P-Series TVs are great.

i got a p75 my dude. And my kid is still alive so I'm doing pretty well for myself.

He could have waited 51 days until Black Friday for a killer deal.

Kids? Fuck no

No soundbar is worth it. It's at least 5.1 or nothing.

"OK Google, what's the sentence for involuntary manslaughter?"

“Involuntary manslaughter”.

If you think about it, it's really VIZIO's fault for making a product too expensive

I guess God needed another Vizio sound bar to complete his home theater experience.

Do you think walmart just put it back up on the shelf and pretended like nothing happened? 😂


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And couldn't even wear a fucking O&A shirt while getting arrested!

He should fucking kill himself after this, steal a fucking soundbar? At least don't bring your son.

At least kill your son for the apple one

We're not saying kill your son, but if you're GOING to, you might as well steal the good shit.

He stole a $200 SOUNDBAR, do you REALLY think he COULD afford a BABYSITTER?

have you ever had kids? you just lock them in the bathroom with a bowl of water and food and a pee pad. like you do your dog when you go on a long vacation.

In the video he looks like he's contemplating suicide. Might be his only option here. $5million bail. Lifetime sentence. No soundbar.

Why is bail that his when he's clearly broke. $300 bail would keep him in.

The Big Sound Bar lobby is making an example of this poor schlub

((Big Sound Bar)) are behind everything.

No soundbar.

That's the part which has to be getting to him. all of that, and no soundbar? Ugh..

What video?

The video in the linked article dummy.

Bring your kids to work day.

God damn that shit was funny

He was the getaway driver

Why the fuck was he acting like some unenthusiastic Walmart employee was going to chase him down? Just calmly drive out of the parking lot, it sounds like he just floored it straight into an intersection

please someone tell me this is a joke and not the same guy, please

That's my assumption, most here seem to be believing it though.

I mean dude in the story looks pretty colored and according to killakuhns posts his baby and mom are super white, but I mean the age of the kid matches, and he's in roughly the right area to get those 2U gigs cancelled. His most recent post is from 1 day ago, so it's pretty much a toss up.

I'm on his facebook now. His kid and the mother are very white. She looks like typical Philly\Irish. The kid looks cute too. What a fucking cunt.


Yeah, I hate it when real things happen here.

I wish we could go back to yesterday when we were all laughing innocently about the Vegas massacre without a care in the world.

Hey! No kids died in the Vegas thing, so it was funny.

The kid looks cute too


he's probably mixed and if the mom is very white there's no reason why a baby wouldn't be anywhere on the spectrum from as dark as the father to as light as the mother.

Brother Joe doxed him and he had a prior arrest then of holding a screwdriver to a girl's throat

I'm starting to think that this guy is kind of a jerk

I think I regret that dick pic I sent. Now the coppers are going to see it on his hard drive and become enraged with envy and vow to track me down.

You live and you learn.

Engorged with envy

Yeah this guy is kinda mean.

Jerk of all jerks

When did this happen?

When did the doxing happen?

The nose knows:

screwdriver article -

Doesn't this dude sound like Materese heckling Killa:

This happened and he couldn't even let us know where Rich Vos is appearing next. Such a waste.

"I usually get my kid to steal anti depressants out of my wife's office"

Dumb nigger.

Dude's white, you retard. I know you're anxious for all your big swinging negro dick fears to have some validity, but not the time.

Joe wins

If that cosplay faggot celebrates a guy's homicide of a 2-year-old just because he brought to light his racism, he's a bigger piece of shit than I imagined...
And I've always imagined Jenkem Joe to be a real degenerate

People at work are wondering why I'm giggling like a teenage girl

People at work are wondering why I get nothing done

oh no, he really went there. /facepalm

Remember, he's black too. Joe just hit the lottery

I had no doubt Joe cornimo would be celebrating like the nigger he is

If Anthony didn't trip face-first into a pile of money, lifting a soundbar would be a regular Tuesday for the Cumias.

Please tell me someone has sent this to him.

Surely he's already gloating on facebook and making comments about animals and savages

Hopefully he'll get raped to death in prison.

I hope something bad happens to him as well.

Yeah, like he's all excited for taco day and it ends up being cabbage.

Oh no, that would suck so much.

Let's not be too harsh

He'll likely go to a place like Graterford, where they house Philly's worst of the worst. He killed a 2 year old, his stay won't be pleasant.

Meh, he didn't take him, he will be fine

Meh, he didn't take him, he will be fine

Meh, he didn't take him, he will be fine

Jackie Martling laugh


This is the most relevant sub on this site.

we really ouchea lately

Yusuf orchestrated this somehow.

Oh man. there goes our moral high ground.


Wow things really are more interesting when the Americans come on this sub

The sub made after an American talk show?

Shut up

The sub made after an American talk show?

Shut up


Shut up you European

UK isn't in Europe anymore

I gotta just stick with saying foreigner then

I shouldn't have to know so much to be accurately racist

Wait this is the guy that canceled Cumia's gig or the guy that sent the information that got the gig canceled?

This is the guy that sent the information leading to the bar owner to cancel BroJoes gig.

I feel so bad for the child. As much we make of Joe and Opie, at least they wouldn't do this.

If this is actually the right guy I think the kid got off easy.

Because Opie never takes his kids anywhere.

:( :( :(

and in Joes case, you cant harvest spit from a dead one.

He calls those tetra packs.

because he has to get Bams permission first to leave the house with them.

Opie is a bad father :(

That's because Opie's small car can't fit the big chair in it. :(

Joe will be extremely happy with this

Why give him the satisfaction?


Causing glee or enjoyment isn't entertaining. You sick fuck!

I honestly hope this guy's punishment is to be beat to death by brother joe.

I'm pretty sure the prison system is going to dish out a lot more punishment than a geriatric cos playing biker.

Then he will really be able to play out those sons of anarchy fantasies

I feel awful just upvoting this thread. What a piece of a shit.

At least he's going away forever. Hopefully they don't let him shit post from prison

Username checks out.


thanks opie

And hes a Kuhn

Im out. Done. This degenerate piece of shit ruined the bit. Your moms box.

Same here. Your moms box.

I'm not going anywhere.

Spend a little time in the chat. It's no bit.


Stop positing things three times in a row you dumb nigger

Fuck you faggot



yeah I'm not going to lie, this will make me rethink my browsing choices a bit.

I could never figure out why anyone posted here anyway since not a single poster seems to enjoy any of these guys in any combination anymore.

O and A fans are not people.

What happened to the groceries Vizio sound bar?

They wouldn't take it back.

No bill of sale.

How important is the baby?

Fucking cunt kid ran off with it.

What happened to the groceries Vizio sound bar?

According to this post, Chris Kuhn in his brother:

This is that Facebook profile:

And you can see that same profile pic here:

These guys definitely have the same mother, she's in both his Facebook photos and that photo /u/kullakuhn posted of his son.

But I'm not sure it's not his brother.

this is posting personal information and is not allowed on reddit.


Youre a moderator of 30 subs? You silly fuckin nigger

Never posted here before, cant think of a bigger waste of time than policing the internet

So all this talk from the cumias about “kuhn’s” wasn’t paranoia?

At least BroJoe could provide him with a few moments of diversion from the self-induced hell of his own life. That's probably the only thing Joe has ever provided anyone (that wasn't bought with his little brother's money, I mean).

won't see him no more

He'll come back in 30 years when only you and I are left here.

Weren't you in the clink before? Maybe Kuhn will get your old cell.

We can be b buddies ( b for bunk not butt I am not a gay like u ).

And there was nothing we could do.

What a great shirt to go to jail in.

Seems like the kinda guy that would bring marijuana to a 13 year old's house, if ya know what I mean.

Jesus, it’s on the news right now. Holy shit


Arnold Diaz would be proud...

F Murray Abraham

(shame finger graphic doing it's thang)


Fuck I hope this guy is dead tomorrow.

......well this shines a very negative light onto this lovely place.

I agree. Killing a toddler and then using their corpse as a starting block is below even us.

Most of us, anyway.

Did he yell, "feets don't fail me now..." as he started running?

Close, he's mispronouncing fetus.

Well at least we weren't featured on catch a predator

Exac... oh, nvm.

SN Name checks out

well you know what they say, snitches get [their small child ran over by themselves while committing larceny] i think thats how it goes

If that sayianZ feller goes to jail or dies this month I'm taking an early vacation

Is the car okay????

But seriously, I hope this n person hangs them self.

The Aristocrats!

This guy sounds like a real jerk.

Jerk of all jerks.

The cumias always get the last laugh

Wow what a piece of trash

I just read somebody post here yesterday that there are probably at least 5-10 truly dangerous posters here... looks like we found one!

I am not dangerous I just want to love.

I would love you more if you went back to posting everything in bloken engrish.


And gold

I remember that. Guy guessed there were 2-3 murderers subbed here.

Do you think Bro Joe’s SAMCRO brothers will get to him on the inside?

Better hope he didn't hate on Opster too much. I heard the philly crew runs that joint.

What a peesa G

Look, I know what he did was awful but there's really no need for that kind of language.

One day you're snitching on dudes to try to ruin their musical careers, the next your son is being ejected onto a highway over $200 bucks. What a fucking clown.

Why did this piece of shit run a red light? It's not like Walmart have a car chase division. Were the cops on the scene straight away? How did they see him stepping over his kid's body? Did the store security follow him because he was black? So many questions.

What about the sound bar?

What about the groceries?


Yeah all wal marts have a policy where if an employee even takes one step out the door to chase a shoplifter theyre instantly fired. to act like youre in a high speed chase and run red lights and have your kid die and shit is just silly

Stealing is dumb but stealing from WAL MART??

I knew a kleptomaniac in college, and believe me, there are plenty of stores that have lousy security. Wal Mart isn't one of them.

Well jeez. See you on the People's Court, Kuhn. Can't wait to see an expressive white guy behind you.

So do we like Joe again? I'm confused

Matarese? Fuck no.

Matarese? Fuck no.

Matarese? Fuck no.

Matarese? Fuck no.

Matarese? Fuck no.

Matarese? Fuck no.

Matarese? Fuck no.

No Brother Joe.


Matarese? Fuck no.

Matarese? Fuck no.

Matarese? Fuck no.

Matarese? Fuck no.

Matarese? Fuck no.

Matarese? Fuck no.

Matarese? Fuck no.

Matarese? Fuck no.

Matarese? Fuck no.

Matarese? Fuck no.

Matarese? Fuck no.

sir we heard you


Again implies we liked him to begin with

Yeahhhh that's a rough one, man.

Heard Jimmy's voice.

On one hand, you have a sweet new sound bar. On the other, losing your child is a motherfucker.

What’s a soundbar?

It's a less gay redbar.

about $200.

Or -1 child.

Hahahahahaha good! Buh-bye!

Proves people on here are mentally ill fuckhead losers. Unfortunately he himself didn't just die.

We're about to find out how many alts he had

Well, this one wins 'Assault on the Media 2017'


Kuhn ran away after the crash, police said, pausing to look at his injured son on the roadway before fleeing

Holy shit.

I mean this shouldn't be a surprise. After he got Joe in trouble, one of Joe's boys doxxed killakuhn. And found his mugshot for beating a woman or something like that.

2 real questions: Is there any chance that he was especially down and out and needing to steal stuff because he owed money to his court loss?

and 2. Did he have a thought in jail that night that he was going to get roasted on this sub?

What court loss?

Somebody should call into AA and try to get Anthony to talk about this.

Well there goes the only black guy on this sub...

Holy shit that is grizzly. Stops to look at his dead kid before driving off? What an absolute scumbag.

Shit man; thats so fucked up. If you gon rob a Wal-Mart, leave your fucking kids out of it.

This is the line right here. I never thought I'd find it but I can't find any yuma in this, the Vegas massacre is fucking hilarious compared to this shit.

Matarese is an unfunny faggot but I'd rather praise his comedy than bash him if I'm taking Christopher Kuhn's lead. What the fuck.

Is it? Is it the line bro? Have you had enough and you aren't gong to take no more?

If he needed a sound bar that bad, why didn't he just sell his gold jeep and by a steel one for cash?

Well he's finally living up to his reddit name.

Nothing quite makes my day as New Jersey local references or reading about its locations in the news.

He should kill himself, no BS

Brother Joe ain’t nothing to mess with. Scary shit.


One minute you're fucking with a racist pedophile Wop, and then the next thing you know, you're killing your children over cheap home electronics.

So much forced edginess in this thread!

Low hanging fruit is still fruit

what a despicable pile of shit this guy is, whether O&A related or not.

Well this is too much for ol' p3ckaz. So long fellas.


no don't go

Only you mother fuckers can have me laughing so hard in a thread about a 2 year old dying. I'm no longer human.

run afoul of the law

perhaps more than that!

This is so fucking disturbing. What an absolute sociopath. He better have a good reason for doing this -- like, for example, he had a very short window to meet his heroin dealer.

Game, set and match for Brother Joe.

Son of a god damn bitch.

Don't worry, he'll fuck it all up by gloating on social media; totally disregarding the fact that a baby was killed.

it sucks, but kuhn might have learned his lessons from this, which is ultimately a positive. rip killa jr


Why is he not wearing an old school ONS shirt in this photo?!

Wow.. this is fucked up. He just turned his halfway-decent life into the worst dead-end anybody could have possibly imagined through a couple of quick, impulse decisions.

Powerful username brotherman

Opie and Anthony fans are the just the best! No wonder they champion a woman beating racist kid toucher

"They're just like us!"

It seems Christopher has been a naughty naughty boy

Well, it was only a matter of time before someone on here killed someone.

I'm surprised it took so long.

Does Patton not count?

"Everyday we stray further from God"

his son is now closer

Regardless of bringing his son along for shit bullshit to begin with, he didn't put his son in the child seat but had time to put a sweatshirt over his licence plate.

What a fucking idiot. Just an hero at this point.

Oh boy is this guy going to get the shit beat out of him in prison.

Are wiggers even people?

How many dead baby Kuhn's does it take to pave a highway?

Careful, cut the fabric of the universe with that edge.

How long till this sub gets a bump in numbers due to investigation? Tss why not this hoagie or sumpthin!

Was he angry the child provided joe with spit?

Holy Shit!

My grandpa always told me "Never flee Walmart in New Jersey with a stolen Vizio soundbar because you may be charged with child murder"

Stay strong bro

You think these people should stick up for a dude who disregarded his own child life? You have a twisted sense of loyalty.

If kids dying is a bad thing then why did God make it happen?

Well....every group has its % of truly despicable pieces of shit. While we may be surface level pieces of shit based on our sense of humor-- I don't think there are more than a handful of ppl here who are capable of something this disgusting & dumb.

And lets be honest - the only reason why Anthony Cumia wouldn't be in a story like this (had he not gotten a break +20yrs ago)....he is too selfish to have kids.

But this exactly what people with Cumia genetics would do....theyd run from cops without hesitation post car crash....regardless of who was in passenger seat.

why is it selfish to not have a kid? i think the opposite is true, that having a kid is the most selfish thing a human can do

I agree that it is selfish of certain ppl to have kids -- especially those who cannot afford it, or those who just pop em out in fucked up environments....

And it is not a selfish thing to forgo having kids. But Anthony - who said on air more than once - chose not to have kids cuz "I don't want to give up my life - I'm not into doing things that aren't for ME!"

Literally yelled it. And was being funny. And honest. There's nothing wrong with that. Don't have kids if u don't want to.

But his reason was cuz he'd rather do things he wants to do -- he did not see the fulfillment or value in raising a kid at expense of having to commit his time & energy to someone else. That is the very fucking definition of selfishness.

But you're right- everyone should just stop having kids. Let this whole human race this die the fuck out already, right?

precisely sir, let the human race die out. or at least reduce it by 70%.

i dnno the way i see it is, when someone makes the decision to have a kid theyre basically saying "i dont give a fuck if this kid comes out retarded, missing limbs, gets propelled through a windshield and its head gets ran over as i run off with my sound device, grows up to kill himself, has some mental disorder like schizophrenia etc, i dont care about all that. i just want a kid because i want a kid, yes i know theres no way to know the outcome, and im not asking the childs consent if it wants to be born into this shithole, but I WANT A KID".

if you see value in raising a kid then fine, but the phony morality of people who are like "i brought life into this world, and look at you just living by yourself selfishly" makes me want to rape them with a rusted crowbar, not you im using the general you because ive had this discussion with a few people. its complete horseshit, everyone i know in my life that had a kid was purely motivated by selfish reasons. whether its family/societal pressure to "do the adult thing" or some baloney about self-betterment/fulfillment.

tldr im a faggot

I don't think there are more than a handful of ppl here

Keep an eye on bickers and nigisup

This place is so strange.

Remember Opie and Anthony? No? It was a radio show and they both got fired so we hate on them all day long and enjoy any negative thing that happens.... wait where are you going?

I have that sound bar. It's ok

this isn't really the stinks news network 😭

Stinks sent a correspondent

I got called into work thinking someone had a little too much fun last night. Wasn't until I put on the green apron before I heard. Now I'm so numb I forgot to even warm up the oven this morning, fuck.

You'll get through it brother. We're find a little bit of solace at the bottom of each bread bowl.

I made a post in r/watchpeopledie proving the objective truth of why mass killings like the one in Las Vegas happen, it is relevant here. You all claim that what happened to this child is sad, but all of you hypocritically choose to continue to enable it to happen to children on a mass scale, and consciously, maliciously choose to ignore this fact.

To everyone saying that they are "confused" as to why somebody would do this: Every human society in history has operated under the belief that anyone with functioning reproductive organs has a moral "right" to own and have authority over a human being by becoming a "parent". Some governments require a permit to sell lemonade, but there are currently no background checks or permits required to have full custody and authority over a human child. It would be illegal negligence to let any child be taken to a stranger's house, but at the same time it is perfectly legal for any random adult to have their "own" child and take it home with them. The large majority of abuse, assaults, molestations, rapes and murders of children are done by their primary caregivers. These are a regular occurrence, with thousands of cases every year. Society knows this, and still makes a conscious decision to change nothing about the parental system, because it cares more about the right of "parents" to own a human child, than the right of a child to have personal safety and happiness. This insures that children will be continue to be raped and murdered by their legal custodians for generations to come, with ZERO preventative barriers put in place by society. The children will only have the ability to report it after the fact, that is if they have the awareness and courage, and if circumstances allow. But under the current system, the irreparable damage to the child must happen first, with no protective measures in place. This is why innocent children grow into psychopathic killers, and it is why they will continue to, forever, until something is done to change it, which will never happen. I know nobody will listen to this or probably even read it. If they do they will respond with ad hominem. I don't care. I wrote this for myself, to show that humanity can be shown the truth and still make a deliberately malicious choice to ignore it, thus proving that hatred of humanity is morally justified.

I wrote this for myself


Not an argument cuzzz

He wrote the first draft on the asylum wall.

Your pomposity knows no bounds.

Not an argument.

Glad you don't disagree. Weird way to put it though, why don't you write another essay 'bout it?

As long as you knowledge your inability to discredit what I said, thus confirming that humanity doesn't matter.

"Aknowledge?" What, your big amazing brain went out for a walk?

Pointing out a typing error isn't an argument

This isn't debate club, cunt.

I'm a honest, good hearted person who will always respond truthfully when challenged. Please stop abusing that with your wilful stupidity.

Saying "this is not a debate" doesn't disprove what I said. Go away now.

Your a disingenuous cunt. Not only that, you're somehow less likeable than most of the bags of shit here. "Go away now" reads like something a teenage girl would write on Facebook.

Sir, you can't keep doing this. You have to stop sending these stupid notifications to my inbox.

Saying I'm a disengenuous cunt does not dirpove what I said, and every post you make just confirms it. Your species deliberately hides from and ignores truth and that's why it's a good thing when "tragedies" happen to you.

I wasn't trying to disprove what you said you single minded buffoon. I was responding to the last thing you said. Your faux intelligence is really hateable. I don't even know what you mean by species. Or tragedies.

Sorry you're breaking up. Can you repeat that?

Wow what a load of shit.

Not an argument.

Thanks for confirming what was said in the text.

You argued nothing, and nothing was confirmed. Your post was a pile of pompous horseshit, and everyone in both the subs you posted that drivel in think that.

You're nothing but a joke to everyone that read that nonsense. I doubt you will ever be able to see that.

Again, these simply aren't refutations. You're just not a knowledgeable person who knows how logic and debate works. Your emotional feelings about me aren't arguments against the truth of what I said.

Oh yuck. Can you even hear yourself? A pile of cowshit deserves nothing you idiot.

We can keep going around in circles if you want.

Only a very stupid, very uneducated person would even have the idea to comment negatively about an argument someone made without making a counter argument.

It just shows that your brain doesn't work properly. To think that saying "that's wrong" without explain why, could possibly have any meaning or value to be worth typing, shows that your IQ just organically isn't high enough to grasp certain concepts.

Okay, so you offer no solutions To the problem you pointed out (which is lame) you just tried to justify hate for all people based on some people being shitty. You are a child who wanders into a movie and demands to know what's going on

Just because I made offered no solutions in the post, doesn't mean I don't have any. You know this, you're just saying whatever you need to feel like you got one up on me in this exchange.

A solution is irrrelevant to the subject of the post. The point of the post is that humanity chooses not to acknowledge a problem and consciously chooses not to find a solution, because to them there's no need for one.

Okay, so you offer no solutions To the problem you pointed out (which is lame) you just tried to justify hate for all people based on some people being shitty. You are a child who wanders into a movie and demands to know what's going on

It's completely valid to critique your woke philosophy shite without a counter argument; the tone, language and structure of all your comments are objectively repulsive. Not only that, it's obvious that you care more about seeming intelligent than what you actually say. Know who else likes to talk about how smart he is? Rich fucking Vos.

How can the tone of something be "objectively repulsive"?

Look, I respect you for trying, but you just aren't smart enough for this.

Well obviously I wasn't being completely literal there, a man of such mammoth intellect should be able to recognise exaggeration for effect. I don't want your respect, cunt, I want your t cell count to fall off a cliff.

Troll harder

Not an argument, which objectively shows why it wouldn't be a "bad" thing if you died.

You are objectively a butthole

I fucking knew Stinks was a piece of shit.

Wait i thought Stinks was the one who got Joe's gigs cancelled. Who the fook is this guy?

This is the guy who actually emailed the club owner from the people's court episode. Ant is an old idiot, he doesn't know the actual background and was talking out his ass on his show about it.

Killing your kid in a car crash of your own making is NAHT FUNNY.

Sounds like the actions of a bartard.

Has this sub took the distinction for most heinous redditor? I think Carl Herold might edge Kuhn.

I guess the asshole finally lived to to his screen name. Fuck him.

Never know what to expect while checking this sub. You guys are full of surprises.

Awesome, isn’t it?

In April 2016 he tried to kill the child's mother; who's surprised he killed the kid?

how important is the soundbar?

It's clearly very important

and where did you leave the cart, in the coral or the stall next to you? Go.

OnA really is the greatest Daytime Soap Opera ever.

I gotta hand it to you guys. Every time this sub seems like it's dead, one of you motherfuckers steps up in a big way.

Very original content

He's trying to hit the E-Rock sexy eyes pose here:

He looks kinda like Mac from it’s always sunny in blackface.

Or a tan if you're not trying to be an edgelord.

There is no redemption at this point but bringing up Joe Cumia's name as the man who touched him as a child would go a long way.

He seems to confirm his identity as the guy from the screwdriver story here. I was skeptical at first from comparing the child's skin tone to the obviously negroid pallor and features of Kuhn, but apparently we have the right guy.

Panera is NOT going to be happy about this

So no one else is gonna say it? The wife-beating, the shoplifting, the gold Jeep? There have been certain... "demographic" changes going on in this sub that I know I speak for many of us when I say I'm not totally comfortable with. And do we really want Ant to find out that his only black fan is a white woman-inseminating/beating, sound equipment-stealing, child-neglecting convict named "Kuhn". Depriving him of the smug satisfaction of another "IT'S GOING TO BE MINORITIES!" rant is enough justification to cover this up and never speak of it again.

This sub produces more real life drama than O&A ever did. Unbelievable.

Something to be proud of.

To Catch a Predator pedos, child killers on national news, Peoples court, we're prime time

I'm blown away by all this. He's fucked. Even if he somehow gets off without any jail time, he still will have the thought of what he did stuck with him for a very long time.

...I'm talking about getting Joe cancelled by the way.

Let's wait until we hear the toddler's side of the story.

Qadan? Won't see him no more.

Holy shit I refused to click on this Obvious Vos plug until now. Now I'm devastated cos I really need to know where Rich will be doing comedy this weekend.

Come to think of it, u/killakuhn can completely redeem himself on this sub if he uses his arraignment hearing to plug Vos at the Syracuse Funny Bone Oct. 26-28.

Your Honor. I'd just like to say to you and my family....sob.... before my sentence, that I am truly sorry....... sob...... that I will miss Rich Vos at the Funny Bone in Hasbrouck Heights, NJ this weekend. Boom a Legend is born and salvation redeemed!

This is the best tl;dr I could make, original reduced by 68%. (I'm a bot)

TULLYTOWN, Pa. - A 2-year-old boy was killed in a multi-car accident on Tuesday after police say his father crashed his car while fleeing from a Walmart theft.

Authorities say the suspect, Christopher Kuhn, of Hamilton, New Jersey, fled in a gold Jeep following a theft of $228 worth of merchandise from Walmart.

Kuhn is being charged with third-degree murder, homicide by vehicle, accidents involving death or injury while not properly licensed, retail theft, endangering the welfare of children, recklessly endangering another person, reckless driving, driving on a suspended license and running a red light.

Extended Summary | FAQ | Feedback | Top keywords: Kuhn#1 police#2 driving#3 boy#4 while#5

lol owned

lower bucks hospital..thats prolly the kid died u know cus the doctors arent paid well or sumtin..tss

This is really surreal. I've read this guys posts and praised him for messing with Joe.

Now he ended up killing his two year old son in exchange for a $200's worth of cheap Walmart electronics and he'll never live a normal life ever again.

Why even steal in the first place? Do you really need a fucking VIZIO sound bar that badly?

For real. I thanked this guy for his service on here almost a year ago.

I'm fairly convinced I'm living in some kind of simulation


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You've never experienced bliss until you've had a VIZIO setup.

This sub effects no one

Now I don't wanna have to kill soundbar..

—Jay–Z (Heart Of The City)

What a legitimately terrible human being.

Police say Kuhn stole speakers for a television set from a Walmart store and was attempting to get away from the scene with his two-year-old son in the back seat.

Witnesses saw the father place his son, Qadan, in the back seat of the SUV but he didn't strap him in. Instead, police say, the 27-year-old rushed to cover his license plate with a sweater.


Allahu Soundbar

That's a real nigger move, son.

Won't see him no more.

How do we know this guy was actually one of us?

Add stinks' ex to the list of sub crazy shit.

Great now joe will feel justified in his shittiness.

so not worth losing a kid over?

Same here. Your moms box.

All of the brand names in this story just confirm that everyone here is white trash

Steps over his own kid like a pile of dog shit.

And a killa too.

Thank you!

And his final comment for the next 20 years:

I am not dangerous I just want to love.

Jesus Christ

"The Vizio SB3621n-E8 is the best soundbar under $300 we have ever heard."

Well, multiple sites that review soundbars would disagree with you, sir. Vizio may not be the best, but if you're in the market for an item under $300, then it's one of the best. If you have a mortgage or other bills and don't want to get in debt then who cares about brands? If it serves the purpose and fits your budget, then enjoy it. Why turn your nose up at someone else's sound system? 💩

I wonder NOW who's butthurt at the end of the day

Obviously he was plotting his son's demise all along...

This isn't the rest of reddit, faggot.

accompanied by his 2-year-old son, got caught stealing from Walmart I bet it was the kid's idea to steal that lucrative Vizio soundbar.

Their P-Series TVs are great.

Heard Jimmy's voice.

On one hand, you have a sweet new sound bar. On the other, losing your child is a motherfucker.

Famous last words:

It looks like she doesn't even have an ass crack

yeah I'm not going to lie, this will make me rethink my browsing choices a bit.

Does Patton not count?

I remember that. Guy guessed there were 2-3 murderers subbed here.

I could never figure out why anyone posted here anyway since not a single poster seems to enjoy any of these guys in any combination anymore.

He could have waited 51 days until Black Friday for a killer deal.

This isn't debate club, cunt.

I'm a honest, good hearted person who will always respond truthfully when challenged. Please stop abusing that with your wilful stupidity.

Saying "this is not a debate" doesn't disprove what I said. Go away now.