A tribute to Big A

6  2017-10-04 by lolercakesmcgee


Big A(sshole), it bugs me how cool he thinks he is. Fat dope.

He's the coolest, daddy-o.


Guy can’t even drink a bottle of wine.

This picture makes me understand anti-Semitism

By looks of it he is in haggling jew mode

Whats fatso going to do when they stop making gloves in his style and discontinue his 58 extra fat pants size

The guy is doesnt deserserve the hoseshit you cunts dole out to him

he' has a big heart and leave it at that

Cardiomegaly is usually a sign of Coronary Heart Disease so yes he does have a big heart.

This sketch was actually funny. I wish he didn't dress like that.

Big A Oakerson

He stinks and I don’t like him.

Nasty driver, nasty car, nasty women

Cash cab