Did ya?

65  2017-10-03 by Whydontulovemelynsi


Alternate title: Dumb Faggot

I guarantee it's the extended release formula too. Otherwise he'd really be outta control!

10 mg would barely get me out of bed.

What the fuck is a bath sink

It clearly says "bathroom sink".

I'm a dope.

Perhaps you should seek out dyslexia medication.

It's where you clean your cake horn.

What a wacky character. You can't write this stuff, folks.


Wow, this guy's actually worse than Bro Joe. I didn't think it was possible.

Hey, c'mon. Matarese doesn't prey on children

Joe Cumia is NOT a pedophile.

Some gay prostitute punched him after he wouldn't pay up.

If you take Adderall past the age of 35 you should be placed in front of a firing squad.

I don't disagree but it seems pretty gay to do it at 19 too.

Its nice when drinking but the come down is awful. Downers are much nicer

His adderall looks like a bag of cum.

He really is a one trick pony, isn't he?

More like zero trick.

Since none of his friends wanted to fix him, he is spiraling from 1 adderall a day to a huge sack of ice!!!

This would be embarassing for a 12 year old to post

I thought adderall for ADD? How would forgetting it make you fall and hit your head?

I think it's also used to treat Narcolepsy.

I wish he'd forget to take his adderall while driving to his gigs

It makes you extremely focused. The retarded idea behind the "joke" is that he can't focus without the meds and therefor fell like some kind of spastic.

His attention was in such a deficit that he could no longer control his head movements.

If Joe Matarese makes adderall uncool I'm gonna be pretty steamed, gang.

he didnt forget shit

I would seriously kill to know someone with an adderall prescription right now. It'd be perfect for work. Any of you guys in Astoria?

Just go to a shrink and tell them you used to be prescribed in school. They won't check. Worked for me.

Good lord.

Reminds me of when I forgot my Gas X and had a painful stomach all afternoon. I feel you brother.

LOL I'm just picturing him taking 5 photos of himself with the ice with different poses and gestures and picking the best one to upload

How does not having adderall make you slam your head against the sink?

He trims his beard regularly. He also takes good care of his facial hair. Boom Shaka laka boom Shaka laka.

Yeah most addicts I know forget to do their drug of choice in the morning.

Are you implying that Joe matarese is not a real addict?

Can't wait until he finally kills himself. Any day now. Someone hide his pills.

He's so damaged, someone fix him

10 mg is nothing. Especially for a fucking 50 year old man. They will literally prescribe that to third graders. Joe is a fuckin bum

Need atleast 30 mg. I wouldn't even bother with 10 mg lol

Holy fuck what a douche

I hope his wife made him sign a prenup.

Why would anybody hash tag a band from the 60's.



I have been taking dexamfetamines at maximum dosage for 10 years and can easily say its actually a pretty weak drug. If i dont take it all that happens is i get sluggish. Its a very subtle drug and really no big deal. Like a great cup of coffee that last longer.

I actually feel bad for him. He's probably funnier than Kumail whatever the fuck his last name is and Joe DeRosa. Yet, he's been toiling at comedy since Seinfeld was in primetime, and no one knows who the fuck he is (outside the sub and presumably his wife).

fuck that guy Kumail

If you hate your brain so much there are plenty of things you could do about it.

You can be a dad and be funny. Jokes about kids can be funny. Look at jim gaffigan.

This guy sucks, and it has nothing to do with his family. He just a dull, self-involved ass. Everything is about him. He's in therapy, he's on medication, he's italian. Him him him him. Blegh.

Just go to a shrink and tell them you used to be prescribed in school. They won't check. Worked for me.

Joe Cumia is NOT a pedophile.