56  2017-10-03 by SHITLORD_CUNTDICK


It's probably 1/4th a mg.

One of his tweets says 10 mg, which iirc is the lowest dose prescribed.

10mg! This confirms one of the autists here that got the dosage right from pictures.

In patients 12 years of age and older, start with 10 mg daily

Snort coke like a real man faggot.

fawkin booga suga

Or meth. Adderall is basically an amphetamine.

I got a good idea. I'm going to take each meth precursor ingredient separately to get an even bigger high.

Make a video of you eating aluminum foil please

Will do!

I'm not cool enough for coke connects, only weed.

Most cokeheads are shifty weirdos anyways.


I wonder if his wife puts the pills inside of pizza bites to help lil Joey make the medicine go down.

No need, adderall is already covered with a delicious orange coating

Am drug addict. Can confirm.



Why is there a female symbol there?

I guess nobody told Joe that Adderall drains you of creativity/insight and turns you into a hyper-focused mediocrity machine.

Anyone who's taken adderall, even once, should be able to figure this out.

Really? In my limited experience (maybe 5 times at 15mg XR) it makes me focused and more creative. More social, more euphoric, able to do math quicker, etc. I feel it makes you the best "you" you can possibly be. But I've never taken it long term.

The first few hours are like that, because your brain is releasing all of the dopamine it has stored, but your brain runs out of dopamine long before the amphetamine wears off, leaving you feeling 'tired and wired'. It takes weeks for the dopamine in your brain to go back to normal after that. I'm not saying people shouldn't use adderall (speed) to get high, but understand that after the initial high wears off it will take at least a week to return to baseline

Well today I learned something. I only use it when a deadline is coming up and I'm behind on writing. My few experiences with stimulants have taught me that I love them, so I don't abuse them or take them recreationally.

Nothing wrong with that budday, it's just messed up that idiots like materese fry their brains because a doctor tells them to take speed every day

I used to take adderall in high school before tests and I'd ace those motherfuckers. That is, when I wasn't high on meth. We used to parachute 20 sacks in the bathroom. Ahh, good times, until one day I realized I weighed 120 pounds.

I've taken a medical dose for a long time. I'm a creative professional and I'm still working, so I think my creativity and insight is still OK. There are a fuckload of negative side effects, but at least I'm not some degenerate abusing my stimulants. I only crush up opioids, thank you very much.

Got me straight A's in high school and a promotion at work. Got off the stuff because it was getting in the way of my drinking and ended up quitting that job within 6 months. It works great for someone like me who is smart but never feels like doing anything productive for anyone else. On second thought maybe I did break my brain.

It's meth. Let's not kid ourselves.

It's meth. Let's not kid ourselves.

It's definitely baby meth no doubt. But I'm not a drug head so I dunno how adderall (or meth) works short term vs long term.

Ever had Adderall on Weeeed?

Yes. In extremely high doses of both for about 5 years.

When I was doing adderall all the time, I felt like I had to smoke three times as much weed for it get me high. Not very cost effective.

Oh, I know. I had a GREAT salary and feel like I just threw money into a furnace.

Maybe I need to go to a meeting.

'Good for you....JJJACK!'


Oh, he's got grandma Opie cat eyes.

I'm blocked by Jimmy, Opie, Matarese and Anthony. Matarese is the first one that I've deserved.

Poor guy is mentally ill

He's worse. He's mediocre and forgettable

Is Dexedrine still around these days.

Scarcely, but adderall contains mixture of salts, including the dextro

but levo sucks ass

I just got some! They're 2.5mg tablets which sucks but I've got 60 of them. gonna be fawkn zooted babe

What a fucking nerd Jesus christ

To bad there isn't a 'get more funny' pill, amirite, gang?

they're called suppositories

That would be a cyanide pill in his case.

I took 120mg in a sitting on occasion back when I had a girlfriend who had them prescribed. Fucking 20mg split twice throughout the day? Would that even have a tangible affect?

no he is a dumb faggot you see

I took 80 mg everyday for 7 years. This dude lol.

I gotta be honest 10mg of #Adderall twice daily is really helping me. 60mins on bike @ gym while getting work done on my phone. #focused.

so what he's saying is he's sitting on an exercise bike and tweeting

10mg is a prematuew infant dose. What a giant fucking drug abuser. Watch out!

People who take psychiatric drugs are like drug addicts but also gay

I assumed he was mocking Doug Benson. He isn't?

I once had Tylenol PM at 10:30 AM. Shit is serious bro.

You don't think it's cool to talk about meds as a shtick?

I can't tell what's real anymore

I'll break character for a moment. I actually like 99% of the people we pick on here, and I really have nothing against Joe. But his shtick is the most pathetic of anyone this sub despises, Opie included. He comes off as desperate, all the time. Like the poor kid in school who weasels some of your lunch. The other poor kids have more decency and pride. He's sad and too eager. It's humiliating.

Smoker of cocks

I tried adderall to study in college and I just ended up swearing through my shirt and playing some shitty Facebook game for hours. I think adderall really only helps you if you have ADD.

I don't think I have ADD but it helped me tremendously in school, I was never prescribed it but this girl I knew would give me sandwich bags full of 30 mg pills every now and then when I'd walk her home. Goddamn do I regret not fucking that bitch. Maybe I do have ADD, cuz when I wasn't on meth or addies I'd never do any work in school and I'd never do homework. I scored high on tests but never applied myself, I guess.

You guys would love Modafanil

Yes. In extremely high doses of both for about 5 years.