Busy month for Vic 'only with opie if he pays me' Henley

21  2017-10-03 by Dennyislife


Vic "Gimme the loot, gimme the loot" Henley

Vic - "Let's face it, guys. This is the best thing we have going for us right now. All we have to do is keep him happy. We'll take turns hanging out with him after the shows. Oh, and whenever he says something that resembles a joke, guffaw."

Carl and Sherrod murmur in agreement.

It actually is. The calendar event "ride Ron White's coat tails" is represented by all of the blank spots using white text. Merely a formatting mistake.

Vic looks like every 50+ lesbian i ever went to rehab with. I went to rehab 11 times between 2011 and 2014 and i saw a lot of middle aged lesbos. Most looked exactly like Vic Henley.

Who the fuck goes to rehab that often? Pick a side faggot.

Imagine if this is the comment that gets DickSlit clean for life


For every Vic Henley looking dyke, there were three detoxing horny 6's just begging for some pipe. If it was easy for Ant to get laid in rehab, imagine what a cinch it was for somebody halfway decent looking like myself. Got off the heroin eventually, have been taking a low dose of ssuboxone and smoking weed daily for 4 years now, no slips back to the H. Still better than gay ass kratom IMO..

much better. so goood.

Tss sounds like ur fawkinn addicted to rehab or somethin

FAWK YEAH, MORE LIKE ADDICTED TO FREE SUBOXONE AND LOOSE SLUTS! I was Dvv Dvving somebodies aunts, sisters, mothers, sistahs, and one over 50. I was Lamar to this black kid who's mom i was fawkin.

Four day private event in Houston TX

He's turning tricks, isn't he?

Probably, he is a lesbian's wet dream.

Guarantee that there is no event - he's visiting his wife's shitty family or something but marked it down on the calendar as an event so that he could fill a few more squares.

His crack web development team didn't update the copyright.

It's more work than Opie has

Him working for Ron Withe is just like Artie throwing Joe Matraese a few openers. How pathetic. Did he lose the meat truck gig?

Don’t forget to buy your Live from Lew’s crew album, because the mark of a successful comic is hawking a four year old album.