The first white comic to ever appear on Def Comedy Jam

24  2017-10-03 by maynardsabeast


Forget the wigger clothing (it was the 90s after all) and appropriation of the black mans mannerisms, Vos actually fucking crushed this shit. I haven't seen 10 better minutes of comedy in years. I'm actually very impressed with this

He said they made him wear that. The mannerisms and lingo are; unfortunately, entirely his fault.

Hey man, he had a nearly impossible task of winning over an all black crowd there to watch dudes fuck a stool- I can't be too mad at him for it

im here cause of the family guy episode lol

*technically, he's not really white.


You must be buggin. Is money is money.

jews aren't white

No but they do eat da cooshie


Damn, he was very good. No mush-mouth either.

Pandering incorporator.

I say the Furniture store line 5 times a year out of nowhere

He killed because everyone was deaf

Tsss yeah musta been deaf comedy jam or sumpthin

Vos rules. When he says stuff about being a legend, I don't think he's totally kidding, and I admire that confidence.

He is a legend in stand-up, unfortunately it doesn't translate into ticket sales

Does anyone remember an episode of O&A with I think Patrice and Jimmy in the room watching this. Then Vos called in and they proceeded to talk with black mannerisms/lingo the whole call. I think there is supposed to be a question mark in there somewhere?

Hey, that's not bad actually.

Looshen up your definition of white and comic folks.

Vos is God.