The Chip Chipperson Podacast has a combined 1,999,683 views on the Riotcast YouTube channel and its only 26 episodes in. Before Opie was canned, his videos could barely break 5k.

166  2017-10-03 by TangerineReam

The only vids that could were the ones developed for Viral Spiral -or whatever faggy nonsense he was doing for views- and that only got up to around 14k (as of this year).

For a man that cared SO much about going viral: He never has. And he's been forced to watch both Ant and Jimmy surpass him in every way on the internet.

He's finished and should be killed.


“Dude if Sirius only gave us the ratings...then you’d really know I really steered the ship maaaan”. Go screw, ya nothing

U r just h8r he literally crushed it in da afternoons.

His crew had a lot of fun, that's what you DOPES don't get.

Exactly. It doesn’t matter that it wasn’t entertaining at all. People just wanna hear four idiots having fun, making up nonsense catchphrases, yelling, and laughing at nothing. THAT is what makes good radio.

Let's hope for a 2 million downloads 10,000,000,006 laughs live show

0,000,000,000 laughs!

yore spelin it wrong peckah face, its laffs tsss tsssss dvvv dvvv

YouTube numbers are probably way lower than podcast downloads too

yeah half the time I listen to it as a podcast.

"Only 26 episodes in"

Riotcast sorted by most popular. Poor Bobby must think of beaching himself daily.

Don't forget Sam has also had viral videos

the only thing that should viral with sam is a flesh eating disease

Sam's iPhone one is huge

Opie and Matarese are house husbands.

At least Opie is man enough to be a good provider. He pays for his own brassiers thank you very much

Let’s also not forget, the closest he’s come to going viral is the cake stomp video which only made casual viewers think he was a complete piece of shit.

I believe you forgot, not only did he stomp on a homeless person's cake, but he also exploited the talents of another homeless person playing guitar to shamelessly self promote his own "brand".

All he did was hold the camera while Mustard played guitar and he would not stop bragging about 2 million views or whatever, a year after it happened.

He also harassed a tiny double amputee / mutant on the street

I'd be curious how much it well it does compared to AA Show.

Do you ever feel bad for opie?

I would if he didn't CONSTANTLY do things that made me hate him.

In parallel dimensions I'll never experience

No. Not at all. Because at some point he made the choice to continue being a narcissistic twat. He was around funny people for so long, and he stole a little bit of each of their personalities, but never any of the funny or able to take a joke parts.

Not even a bit, and fuck you for asking.

I do, but I also feel bad for other people that got themselves into their own predicaments of their own volition. Meaning it's his fault, and yes I feel bad, but I'm not going to lose sleep over it.

c'mon guys don't bash Opie, he's talented and has great timing

More fawkin' LIES!!! You HATERS are fawkin' pathetic. I put up impressive NUMBAHS! Trust me! sniff

Those are some pretty good numbahs for the viral bit on the youtube brothaman.

Opie was trying to get these viral videos a decade ago, but then Ant would post a nonsense video like this and get 4 million views.

That's because, despite his flaws, Anthony is talented and funny. Opie has nothing.

Anthony wasn't actually trying, he just made a video about a new Microsoft product, and something about his new kitten. That's why it accidentally went viral, and it must have pissed off Opie so much.

Opie does not have nothing.

Opie has breasts.

The opster went viral with cakestomp.

Wishing for an R. Opie Dwyer video

Tha fawkin Chippah is amazing!

When will tbe opster stop? By the time chips podacast was uploaded he had 4.5k vies and chips was at 17k. Sad.

My theory is that Chip is "safe" for the general public to find funny because he doesn't make jokes about people getting run over by a bus or stomping on hobo food.

Alao, with all those mafia connections, you’d like he could’ve made something happen...

"Yeah it's me. Opie. Opie Hughes. Gregg "Opie" Hughes. Of "Opie and Anthony." "Oh....whaddya want?" "Listen, I need ya to pay a visit to the Youtubes guy for me."

“Now go get ya fuckin’ cake box!...”

"It's Opie. He's wired for sound. My friend in the FBI just told me, I thought you'd wanna know"


"Opie Hughes."


"Gregg "Opie" Hughes."


"Opie and Anthony Opie."

"Oh....yeah. Meh."

I love that if Jim gets any real fame it'll be because of this dumb character that he's probably tired of doing already.

Also, his only "viral" videos don't even feature anything involving him other than an OpieRadio logo. He's only ever gone viral by exploiting the homeless or other social derelicts.

I can't wait for episode 78, when he hits 6 million downloads