Tss tsss... Uhuru or sumptin

32  2017-10-02 by Proptrash


good one

America first college can suck my peckha

College is for women and faggots.

Ahh go ahead sissy, read your books, i'll be down at the jobsite. I got a PHD for ya, it's called "Puttin' in a Hard Day"... ahhh what the hell do I know?

That was a good Regular Joe and I enjoyed it.

I can see it now

"Is TSSS a new code word for white power? Who is Chip Chipperson and what are his relations to white supremacy?"

"Is the BIG PECKAH the proudboy version of the grand dragon?"

Funnily enough I see Chip commenting on pro-White stuff all the time -- seriously too not chipping babes and shit.

It makes my day.

I really hope this ends up being quoted in confusion, in between sarcastically and snootily written tripe.

How is there Chip fans in the Proud Boys...

Certainly the same pool of faggots.

I don't think he is actually a proud boy

What a retard! There are dozens of hours of video footage of the Proud Boys that tell far more than a shitty 10 sentence exchange like this could. Lazy faggot didn't even use Google.

You're my new hero. Also fuck the person writing the paper. You know the cunt would just end up concluding you were a Nazi no matter what.