Brian Gilgore's Brain on the Brink has mysteriously been shut messages on social media regarding it

27  2017-10-02 by Gilgores_Trout


By far this is the most shocking and tragic news today

My thoughts and prayers go out to the Gilgore Girls.

This is honestly the saddest thing I've heard all day.

Another casualty of the ZOG media machine.

JRT wasn't bluffing

NBC just cut off their Vegas coverage to talk about this.

Keith, you SON of a bitch!

There ARE easier ways to do a takedown, yanno.

Big if true

It was so obviously Stinks. During his nephew's baptism, he took out all other Sub-related shows. Gilgore. Matarese. Stracce. Today Stinks settled all family business.

Stinks is a menace and should be locked up for this.

Now who approached you? Porsalin or Saiyanz?

I hope it's because his brain is on the wall

That's not nice I need my brain for stuff.

He had Bill Burr type rants too. Shame.


Who the fuck possibly cares.

very inappropriate comment to make at a time like this. mods, can we ban this clown?

so he was the vegas shooter is what you're saying

Great, just as I got over grieving the loss of The Finer Things.

/u/spinuch comment?

I commented on this like 10 times. Itunes rejected my podcast and I have to change the name to resubmit. They're fucking annoying. I'm going to change it back soon and probably give up on Itunes forever.

He apparently renamed the podcast to ''BrIAn on the Brink'', which irritates me.

I hate the name too it's only temporary.

I commented on this like 10 times. Itunes rejected my podcast and I have to change the name to resubmit. They're fucking annoying. I'm going to change it back soon and probably give up on Itunes forever.