Biggest mass shooting in American history and now TOM PETTY IS FUCKING DEAD. What the hell is happening today...

7  2017-10-02 by Every1ShouldBKilled


Good things, apparently.

When it rains it pours, eh gang?

In the midst of life, we are in death. That's how I cope with these things.

how bout The Travelling Gettinburieds

Vegas was a false flag for the quiet killing of Petty using a VX nerve agent.

I really hope Petty was in the middle of some spiel about how Vegas is the Republican's fault then keeled over


more importantly; Brain on the brink shut down. Coincidence? I dont think so!!


Dude there were 2 hurricanes last week, a bombing in kabul, a fuckin orphanage fire in some muslim country and its a safe bet there is a pile of baby heads being stacked somewhere in africa right now as i type this.

None of it is out of the norm.


Tom's had enough of this shit

I guess today, the law won.

they did in the song too dummy