Alex Jones: Las Vegas Shooting

5  2017-10-02 by crookedmile


What a complete and utter mental patient/con artist.

Sounds like you need to take some Super Male Vitality

Just con artist, he had to admit that in court because they were trying to take his kids away.

Lemme guess. Government conspiracy. Something something false flag operation, something Bilderbergs, something, taking our guns.


Don't forget George Soros

When bin laden was dumped in the sea it was two days after the royal wedding. People thought it was all tied in.

That wasn't as dumb as this.

But now you know why ant was silent on twitter today. Needs to see what way Alex goes

Alright, fuck this retard.

Lol so even though the house, senate, and president are republican he still calls it a democratic thing? I guess he kinda has to considering he's sucked Trumps cock for so long. What a bafoon, how sad is it that people listen to this guy in a non ironic, not funny, deadly serious type of way?

Once Trump got in they all switched to 'deep state' and 'globalist' boogeymen to explain how Trump was actually in a power struggle and not flip flopping or backtracking.

Deep State and Globalists have been his gimmick for a long time now. Dude snuck into Bohemian Grove in the 90s

Don't forget Anthony worked for this man and was proud of it.

thermite bullets

I love it how nothing he says is factually correct. It's like an art form.

This guy gets checks from Youtube, but they pull Stinks for making fun of Ant? Alex is right, our country's lost.

"And now I pass it off to my Berber-looking negro-hater..."

The BillBurr group and the rothchilds did it

What a fucking ghoul.