My uncle Antwan Kumyia went to Vegas last night, now he's missing. Help guys

60  2017-10-02 by aPersonStranded


If you put a little more effort into this, it would be amazing.

shut the fuck up, that's perfect right there

I'm no haggis fucker, but the 3/4 profile needs to be scootched or rotated a tad.

I dont like it when you guys fight

My stomach hurts

The time I spent deciphering your handle was worth it. VUUUURrry good.

I think youre the first! Ill never forget you

So give me an upvote, faggot.

was it "ladies" night, and was he feeling "right"?

Saw him at Caesar's Palace claiming he was of em.

u/Saiyanzragechannel can we get some lispy commentary to go with this tragic development?

I don't mind SaiyanZ, but nigga seriously needs to put them nigger Jewport's down and clear out that horrific phlegm throat. Just saidsin'...

Why do you call them jewports sir?

Hahahahaha!! A terrorist attack was reported on the news...And you had the hilarious idea to post a picture of Anthony as the suspect and call him Antwan Kumiya!! Hahahahahaha that is so fucking funny and original. You definitely aren't a worthless faggot. Not everyone can be funny. It's not always easy to contribute an original joke or funny content. So when your pathetic, failure-ridden life gives you a craving for some self esteem-soothing upvotes, pandering to a predetermined group meme is a sure way to pretend you aren't worthless for at least one day out of your shit existence. Just make a thread plugging Rich Vos gigs, or saying that Joe Cumia likes children's spit, and even a worthless loser like yourself can gain respect and feel like you're funny without ever having to actually make someone laugh.

"It's not always easy to contribute an original joke or funny content."

Still waiting for you to do either, sweetheart.

I feel that I do occassionally.

One thing is for sure, I never post group memes. I would feel so dirty and disgusted and ashamed if I ever made a grasping, cloying post like Antwan Kumiya. The psychology behind it is so pathetic and sad

Truly to even have the impulse is proof that you're a worthless person and a low status faggot

"I feel that I do occassionally (sic)"

You feel wrong. And please learn to spell 13 year old level words properly first, then we can talk about your "status." You pill popping, projecting failure.

"I would feel so dirty and disgusted and ashamed if I ever made a grasping, cloying post like Antwan Kumiya."

You're a sensitive Sally, aren't you.

"The psychology behind it is so pathetic and sad"

Your insight is truly earth shattering. Thank you Carl Jung.

Cool and edgy username by the way.

Learn to use the quote format retard

I refuse to.

Who's this barrel of laughs

Some dullard who thinks he's interesting.

It's a running gag dickface. Who said op was trying to be original? Presumably there will continue to be terrorist attacks, and presumably Anthony will continue to look like a degenerate scumbag capable of said attacks. What a retarded, butthurt rant. You've contributed nothing by that, which is exactly what you were bitching about.

hey everyone check out the gay nerd

It was only a matter of time jokes about Anthony being the shooter started popping up.


I spent a good 15 minutes on this, I smile every time it pops again.

One Like = One prayer

Some dullard who thinks he's interesting.