Reddit is a bottomless cesspool of cringe

97  2017-10-02 by Ant_Sucks


I wouldn't even call it conspiracy theory anymore. Saudi Arabia (or just some prominent people there) spend a ton of money on pro-Muslim PR like this. Redditors will upvote this, but post on /r/hailcorporate for Nike

It's obscene. That bitch is still her husband's property and the simpleton bugpeople on reddit pretend like the Saudis are somehow more progressive than us because "they're moving in the right direction while we're standing still". Letting bitches drive doesn't free them from their oppression, it just saves the husband a bit of cash they'd otherwise be spending on cabs.

I bet all of these "happy" people would get their heads literally chopped off in Saudi Arabia if their comment history was ever looked over by the religious police there.

Clown world

Right. I get Reddit makes up a lot of groups of people, but to reach the front page, and even the #1 spot on popular, it needs to be something else at play here

They so clearly were involved in 9/11. No crazy conspiracy- 15/19 hijackers, the 'diplomatic flights' on 9/12, the sealed testimony from the commission and the redacted pages in their report...

Arent you one of the british posters? I'll let you know if we need something transcribed from Arabic. The americans are talking here

I'm both but more American, and have lived in NYC (not faggy "real America") since before 9/11.


"real America" is white, sandnigger.

I remember reading an interview with a guy who works in online marketing and he was claiming that they were involved in sockpuppeting reddit posts that you would think were completely banal. Like those random pictures of dogs and cats that end up in the #1 spot. Obviously redditors love cute pictures of pets or happy people and it's not all artificial, but these PR firms will use bots to give them a huge boost. And why? This guy being interviewed said it was about product placement at his job. A certain bottle of sunscreen on the dock next to the wagging doggo, a bottle of Red Bull in the hand of someone's happy sister who just finished her first marathon, etc.

The Saudi's need to clean up their image in the west, especially the bitches-be-property aspect if they want their marriage with the Clinton empire to continue. I wouldn't be surprised if something like this was the product of a PR firm.

There's a sub called /r/HailCorporate where people flag posts like that.

I blame the jews.

I consider myself to be pretty liberal, but Reddit is so liberal that it defies logic. How the fuck could so many people be this hard core left that they think this is a good post?

today's front page #1 spots: a muslim woman driving and "white men are the most dangerous people"

really makes you stink

I enjoyed the unexpectedly pro-Saudi twist this post took in the end.

Yeah and we are not cringey, a sub specifically for fucking with our former heroes.

Also fuck muslims

ye fam

Tss yeah why not mufatties or sumpthin

fawk yeah

The only reason they're happy is because now women can plow into crowds of Europeans

And legally.

Give me gold

No u giv me gold

How bout a golden shower

Give me actual gold. Bullion. Now, please.

Seriously my rent is due in a week.

You both owe us all gold for being so GAY.

I hope you posted that on the actual page. I love how stuff that gets to the top here will get huge downvotes or outright deleted by mods

Nope I am a gaping pussy like Anth. But I will now

Actually shit like that surprisingly makes it to the top some times, especially when Islamic terrorists attacks are fresh in the news. Mods will delete them though. Other similar subjects heavily modded in a similar way are "reverse racism", pitbulls mauling innocent people, proof of corruption with particular politicians, justified stereotypes, and other non PC subjects.

Don't forget Edmonton.

I love this place

Then know yours.

fawkin nailed em

Come to think of it that makes me happy too

Let's see how much he's smiling when she wrecks the car or starts fucking her personal trainer. It's a slippery slope.

They're not slopes, they're ragheads

I wonder what his other 6 wives think of this.

Probably excited to start Muslim kindergarten

don't be daft, women don't need an education

Reminds me of CBanks420's awesome tweet

i blame jews

Back in 2012 this site was like a bulletin board for sci-fan soccer moms and college faggots to say "Faith in humanity, restored!" to each other over GIFs of children helping one another donate money to natural disaster victims in other countries.

Ten crossdressing men on the floor, sucking each other's dick in a big circle.

According to a thread on the Rogan Sub, this place is a racist cesspool. God damnit

It is.

90% of Rogan's fans spend money to roll around on the floor hugging other men. Trust a bunch of fags to be a pack of nigger lovers.

We're not racist you stupid subhuman nigger. All men were created equal except for the blacks, Arabs, Jews, and chinks.

Slavic people are not on your list sir, sometimes white ain't right

My sincerest apologies.


Saudi women are mad sexy though.

Dude, seriously. It's so hard to find arabic porn.

How is he teaching her? Where is his stick?

Gold please

Reddit is a bottomless cesspool of cringe

Except for this subreddit, right fellas?

We're super cool. 😎

Teaching wife how to drive...taking Arab selfies. Can't wait for the accidental traffic fatalities to pile up

My rule of thumb for posting on Reddit is: If it would be well received on the O&A sub, it will get me banned anywhere else.

I wish there was a way to see what subs you've been banned from. I've gotta be pushing 30 at this point.

Even using the word nigger in a non offensive context will get you banned in most subs.

Welcome to America in the 21st century. Context is irelevent.

I say niggardly whenever I can in protest

Most political subs, every major presidential candidate sub, SDR, Israel, Palestine, my moms house, soon my own house, my own hopes and dreams, sleep, serenity oh and lendmemoney

I want to see all those commenters' public information outed, and them publicly tortured

It's always the top comment with that stupid fucking gold star and then a bunch of karma harvesting shitheads making it into a pun or a Big Lebowski quote thread. Fawkin morons

I did NAZI that coming.

ANNE FRANKEkly I wanna go blow my brains out Jesus Christ.


Sikh turban my man! P.S. niggers

Some dude gave me gold once

It made me feel so uncomfortable

I hate it when people are nice to me

dumb faggot

This is what happens when someone reaches adults without ever experiencing violence

What a bunch of mentally ill piles of shit.

Reading those comments, bullying needs to be more prominent in schools.

These people think reddit commentors are their legitimate friends, they suck bad

You think you and this subreddit isn't included in the autistic spectrum?


Looks photoshopped.

Dope frames tho

When I have been scrolling past a thread of cringy puns for 5 pages, I wonder why I even go on reddit

Did someone say....cringe?

This is what it's like to have to play pretend and bs be nice all the time

i wish i wasn't banned already.

"I guess because I don’t see things the same as you. In my mind, I see the smiles of these two people, and that makes me happy. I see a tiny step forward, instead of the status quo. I see that this could lead to even greater things for the women of Saudi Arabia."

Reddit in a nutshell.

And legally.

They so clearly were involved in 9/11. No crazy conspiracy- 15/19 hijackers, the 'diplomatic flights' on 9/12, the sealed testimony from the commission and the redacted pages in their report...

Arent you one of the british posters? I'll let you know if we need something transcribed from Arabic. The americans are talking here

I remember reading an interview with a guy who works in online marketing and he was claiming that they were involved in sockpuppeting reddit posts that you would think were completely banal. Like those random pictures of dogs and cats that end up in the #1 spot. Obviously redditors love cute pictures of pets or happy people and it's not all artificial, but these PR firms will use bots to give them a huge boost. And why? This guy being interviewed said it was about product placement at his job. A certain bottle of sunscreen on the dock next to the wagging doggo, a bottle of Red Bull in the hand of someone's happy sister who just finished her first marathon, etc.

The Saudi's need to clean up their image in the west, especially the bitches-be-property aspect if they want their marriage with the Clinton empire to continue. I wouldn't be surprised if something like this was the product of a PR firm.

I consider myself to be pretty liberal, but Reddit is so liberal that it defies logic. How the fuck could so many people be this hard core left that they think this is a good post?

today's front page #1 spots: a muslim woman driving and "white men are the most dangerous people"

really makes you stink

I hope you posted that on the actual page. I love how stuff that gets to the top here will get huge downvotes or outright deleted by mods

Don't forget Edmonton.

How bout a golden shower

Give me actual gold. Bullion. Now, please.

Seriously my rent is due in a week.

I love this place

Come to think of it that makes me happy too

You both owe us all gold for being so GAY.