Former Chicago cop and marine, Steve Wilkos thinks assaults rifles should be banned.

3  2017-10-02 by TinKnockinMoroccan

Can you imagine how flabbergasted Ant would be if they had a gun control discussion?


In before someone explains how this gun is actually just like every other gun sheeple.

That guy was boring as fuck. And he kept repeating his sentences like a retard.

I'm going to disagree. But it would be funny to see Ant try to argue against someone who nullifies his main talking points.

Anthony would be a good person to debate if he didn't so goddamn emotional about it. He's like a fucking chick.

He's fucking, like a "chick".

You don’t think someone who immediately threatens to doxx once he meets a tiny bit of resistance is good st arguing?

In the early days of TACS, pre NYC studio, Ant debated a gun control expert, and despite his bravado and the support from his cretinous back benchers, it did not go well. He got schooled in every respect, and almost seemed shocked to encounter logical and fact based counters to his bog standard NRA talking points. Since then I don't know if him trying a debate show like that again.

I mean, of course. His main talking points are, "What about Chicago?" and "You must hate cops."

Anthony was always a terrible debater. On the O&A show whenever he was losing an argument to a caller he would either start talking over him or would start yelling personal insults at him.

Doesn't know about the Hughes Amendment I would imagine.

Assault riffles are fun, I don't think they should be banned.

I used to watch his trashy talk show when I was I was a kid

I don't know man it's tough. I mean we have the second amendment for a reason but these mentally ill scumbags keep shooting up places with assault rifles.

Let me explain to you euro retards how this works: I owe guns. If I had been there, and was allowed to carry my gun, I would have had a glorious shootout with this creep and emerged victorious. That's why guns are awesome.

Would you be diving through windows dual wielding like neo?

Assault rifles are full auto/select fire and they are banned, for all intents and purposes. Will be interesting to see where Mandalay Bay shooter got his.

"Assault Weapons" are defined cosmetically and are as dangerous as any other semi-automatic rifle that isn't scary-looking.

Lots of cops want a monopoly on force for the government. You'll find a ton of them oppose private ownership of many types of firearms, or all firearms, or at least want the ownership and use of them heavily restricted.