REMINDER: Jim Norton's transsexual Scandinavian hooker friend tore his asshole up so badly he's now taking PrEP on the regular

40  2017-10-02 by disawayisthrows

I wonder what his friends make of all of this.


The tore asshole was just a Sam line for Jim being late due to the un causing traffic. The rest is actually true.

It happens to everybody.

And ?

what on earth?

shes got fucking snaggle teeth. yuckaroo

Ok.. u/jamiefrench....seems the little "lady" just had her balls removed.

Jesus, Jim.


Note that it can't even commit to being a full tranny by painting the nails on both hands!

Jesus christ Jim! This is just a man with long hair. Nothing feminine about it. Jim can't do any better than this!? So depressing.

What...the...fuck.... Where is that from?

Fucking yuck.

STOP. That's not his boyfriend. I refuse to believe it. The other pics looked semi-feminine until you see his hands and ball bag.

There are other pics?

in one of the other threads and people posted his cam account where he bilks old men out of money so he can buy expensive purses.

Ewww. She (he) is objectively ugly.

That has to be an old picture. She's an American pornstar named Jamie French

I don't like that I know that name

Absolutely disgusting

Black daddy and his two sluts


Please tell me this isn't true?

So much filter it looks like a watercolor painting.

I refuse to believe this is the girlfriend of Norton.