Everywhere else on the internet today...

123  2017-10-02 by suchanjv

"OMG! Me and my hubby were in Vegas last month and were near that place everyday! My heart goes out to..."

People are fucking awful. Probably won't be visiting other forms of social media for a while. Going to wait until after the transparent Nevada flag over your profile picture phase is over at least.


I feel extremely lucky. I was literally in Las Vegas in October, 6 years ago.

I'm so glad that you're safe. I am in Brasil, PM me if you need a place to crash.


My asshole is currently accepting donations at the corner of Malcolm X and Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevards.

I took my Prep.

I was there in 04. Something didn't feel right.

Some comedian has a joke very similar to this. To paraphrase it was something like, "That's so scary. How did you ever make it out alive?"

I hope some comedian told it better.

I overheard some dunce today say: "My parents were in Vegas two weeks ago". What exactly does this mean? To me it means they where in Vegas recently, but to dumb people it means the bullets barely missed them.

It's the same as when some moron posts "My brother/GF/mom did this thing!" The only thing this tells me is someone's relation did some boring thing. The illusion of interaction to fill the meaninglessness overwhelming their lives.

Tell that piece of shit to go to the O&A sub to fill the meaninglessness overwhelming their lives.

My parents went to Las Vegas for 5 days back in 1998. My connection to Vegas goes fawwkin deep. Thoughts and prayers.

Dots and prayers

Yeah well I have a friend from Vegas and we used to spend hours on the phone making each other laugh.

ME: Bravo

This on really hurts. sniff

man, I must've seen Vegas Vacation about a dozen times. has anyone heard if Mr. Papageorgio is okay?

Sweet Christ I went to Vegas a couple of times years ago. I have also visited the Mandalay Bay hotel. That God I don't go to country music shows, though my friends do. I also happen to own guns and have neighbors that do to. It really makes you think.

Thoughts and prayers


Oh my God!

About once a year I think about going there to enjoy some gambling and hookers!

That guy basically shot and killed me too.

I have a prehensile penis

Have you any interest in dating Jim Norton, for money?

I don't have the chin for it :(

Stay safe!

Look for the helpers - Mister Rogers

Every. Fucking. Time.

This is all trumps fault

he should have never signed the second amendment!

I was literally thinking about going in the next couple weeks

The time to go is now. Deep discounts®

OMG i saw a commercial last week that had the same exact hotel in it.


I know exactly how u feel. I saw the hangover once

My sister went to Vegas once. Chilling.


Someone from our own City was there. Let's talk to them and let them add nothing to the story.

I watched that new hockey team play a preseason game on TV last week. Im so skipping class today

I have tickets and a hotel reservation in March. I am also a victim.

i bet on some nfl games online this week which reminds me of vegas, crazy, not sure how to process this

stay strong

Thoughts and prayers

Thoughts and prayers

I was in Las Vegas in 2009. What a shitty place.

Why would you visit any forms of social media ever is the real question. Even places like this are barely tolerable.

I've seen 2 UFC events in that exact hotel WITH Joe Rogan. I feel like I can see complex geometric patterns projected by my pineal glands when I think about it

Thoughts and prayers.

I would occasionally have CSI reruns on in the background while I do the laundry. I'm pretty sure I saw that hotel once. I feel like I could've taken a bullet, guys.

I caught an episode of the old TV series Vega$ once a long time ago. The horror of it never left me. Thoughts and prayers.

Patton Oswald killed his wife and will soon kill his daughter, also the Vegas shooter was a liberal Hillary suppoerter.

I stayed in the Mandalay Bay once.

OMG! Are you o.k.? PM me if you need to talk.

I'll never be okay after having to drink their watered down drinks.

"I cannot express to you how little this is about you."

-Clint Eastwood

"If I could hire just your arm i would."

Guys a legend

Yes, indeed, he certainly is.

Clint Eastwood is the man.

Who told that story?

Jay Mohr

5 mins of notoriety is exactly what that old faggot wanted, too.

I was totally going to fly to Vegas this past weekend, but at the last minute something happened. It must have been God's way of keeping me safe.

Put "Was it" as a reply if this is a real thing

Of course, blessed be.

Everyone has to make it about themselves. Selfish fucks. Unless you were involved in the event, nobody cares. You were getting poked in the shitter in a lovely Vegas hotel room weeks before the fucking thing happened. Even if you were there during the event, you wouldn't have even been involved in it. You were about as separated from the event as everyone else in the country.


Omg. I saw a movie that took place in Vegas once, my bones go out to the fallen victims of this horrible tragedy #Resist

I just watched "swingers" this weekend. To think how close I was.

"Guys, I know today is a tough day for us all. Emotions are going to be running wild. Accusations, identitarian politics and prejudices will all be rampant. But we need to keep our wits together and look at the real problem here: mental illness. This poor man was suffering from an untreated disease. We all know it but we don't want to speak it's name: Attention Deficit Disorder. If you or one of your loved ones is suffering from having trouble focusing on your inane chatter or generally being kind of bored by the soulless monotony of suburban life, please get help. There are doctors out there who can prescribe you the medicine that you need: legal analogues of potent cocaine. Doses can go as high as you want. Please don't let this monster of an illness take anymore innocent lives".

I live in Vegas and none of you asked if I was okay... :(

My condolences for living in Vegas

me too

MSNBC is visibly impatient and agitated because they want to stop talking about this and get back to endlessly complaining about Trump.

OMG, I've had a dream to one day play in the World Series of Poker, and now that dream seems unreachable. Shocked. Saddened. Still Quay....

I was browsing Google Maps just last week and scanned over Vegas for a second. Eeerie.

I'm pretty sure O&A had a bit about this back in the day. Whenever there's a tragedy, people somehow have to make it about themselves.

I'm looking up cheap rooms for the Mandalay Bay for this weekend.

Does that count?

fawk yeah!

yeah, american shootings are hilarious...

I've passed MANY t shirts at the mall that say "LAS VEGAS" on them. Holy fuck lmao I basically almost died last night


My economics teacher goes to Las Vegas to gamble

inhale I don't know man, this one hits close to home.

A hooker barfed on my cock near that place, i think i have ptsd now.

I was 3 in 88. You geriatric autist.

respect your elders fam

Nothing made me smugger than after a shooting at a mall in Columbia (not even a mass shooting just jilted lover shit) my ex posted a long rambling status about how she remembers selling girl scout cookies there and how shaken she is and da da da da da

What a herb

Unrelated to the shooting, I was there in 2012.....ate at the CircusCircus buffet and nearly shit myself to death...lucky to have made it home alive. #NeverForget

Wait until the slogan "Vegas Strong" shows up everywhere.

I fucking HATE the "::Location:: Strong" phrase more than anything.

Excalibur Strong

Seriously guys. I once flew over Vegas on my way to Los Angeles. This hits home.

Seriously though. I was there 10 years and 24 days ago! I could have been dead!

This happened in the milky way galaxy. Omg I'm from there.

Does Las Vegas have a flag I can use as my facebook profile pic?

If they don't they will soon!

Some predatory graphic designer or web developer is probably on it.


Yeah, my aunt was there last week and today she's literally shaking...

It's the prayers that make me sick.

Fucking do something! I'm sure you mean well but your prayers do jack fucking shit!

Dude, God totally saved all those who weren't killed.

As for the ones taking dirtnaps, the "holy father", was calling his children home.

Oh yeah, HE works in mysterious ways and shiznit.

America, you have cool cultural stuff, mainly music, but comedy too. However, the rest of your fucking country needs some fucking work. My nation ain't too different from yours, we're one of your staunchest allies, and our culture is quite similar, but this shit is ridiculous. And the more bad decisions your place makes, the more my shithole will follow.

I've read so much about the founding of your nation and your political system and things like Democracy in America and Poor Richard's Almanac--what went wrong? Stop with all the bullshit and get back to at least feigning interest in civics.

The last cool thing we had in this country was slavery, but we ruined that. Thanks for kind words though.

What sub do you think you're posting on, you gay faggot.

Lol shut up euro-tool

I knew people who were in Las Vegas at some point in the last 10 years. Sadly it wasn't yesterday.

I know someone who was at the concert. Should I create a Facebook account to tell people?

I got my peckah sucked by a nigger hooker in Vegas in 2014. This tragedy has no bearing to me personally, but it did remind me I should've got an AIDS test.

OMG, I know people that listen to Country music!!!

This is about anyone who's ever listened to music. Ever.

Remember, whenever something sad happens, always make it about YOU.

Exactly. If we learned anything from Fez Marie Whatley, it is surely that.

Only guy I know in Vegas marked himself safe, that bummed me out

So... I guess someone found Anthony's gun?

Thotz and playerz

Feels like this belongs in incels.

Yeah put them in some eukaryotes cawk sucka.

The Lt. Gov. of Nevada has a very red face.

Fucking assholes have to make everything about them self.

Some guy on my FB feed today felt the need to tell everyone he was safe because he lives in the outskirts of vegas.

Yeah no one asked.

I found a massive bag of coke on the street in Vegas once. I only mention it because I tell that story every single time Vegas is mentioned, regardless of context.

Did you snort it?


this is the only social media website i have an account on and i dont know if this is even social media. why would you want to be exposed to wormy phoniness 24/7, dont u get enough of that from jim?

Be an adult, delete your social media accounts.

Almost as bad as you faggots during 9/11 , stop acting affected right?


I know exactly how u feel. I saw the hangover once

Every. Fucking. Time.

The last cool thing we had in this country was slavery, but we ruined that. Thanks for kind words though.

What sub do you think you're posting on, you gay faggot.

Yeah put them in some eukaryotes cawk sucka.

Lol shut up euro-tool