Anyone started it's all a conspiracy angle on Las Vegas yet?

0  2017-10-02 by [deleted]



Alex Jones is saying he predicted it.

he predicted an attack last week

Don't let this Vegas shooting distract you from the fact that President Trump promised he would get us all gfs but I'm still single.

I used to work for the mob... I'll see what I can find out

Thanks Opie, we know you're busy with meetings and all of the offers pouring in.

Alex Jones did, 20 seconds after the gunman fired the first shot.

Its fake. There was no concert. All the people being interviewed are actors.

Btw, I could not care any less about this shit. And I think most people outside of the US thinks like this. Fucking retards and your guns.

Aren't you a norgy? You all sound retarded, and many of you have guns. You also have an unfortunate habit of running towards the fake policeman who's doing the shooting.

Whats a norgy sir?

The lowest form of Scandinavian life. Basically a Polack with skis, but dumber

Lowest form of scandinavian life still has it better than an average american. Sorry.

I live in Scandinavia, so no need to apologise. I have also visited the US a coupla times, yeeha, and I'm not sure I share your assertion. I suspect the average American has it rather better than the smacked-up Swede who asked me for money

So when are you gonna do your best Breivik impression and purge the streets of Stockholm?


We more guns!!!!! Cuz murcia..... dummy's

Aren't you a britfag?

He is.

I owe 3 guns

How come police cant go in Norwegian No go zones?

Lol. You're mixing up your Sweden bs with your Norway bs.

They're basically interchangeable

Las Vegas is a mirage.


Check r/conspiracy

It's leftist terrorism against Trump.

I'm curious how this will be spun. I live in Vegas, and if someone was trying to wreak havoc, Mandalay Bay is a strange target. The obvious target is the Fremont Street Experience. On Fremont street, there's nowhere to run (for the most part) it's basically a big open-air tunnel formed by a row of casinos.

If the shooter just hates people in general, he'd go to Fremont Street.

The fact that he shot up a country music festival makes me think that he was targeting a specific demographic: Trump voters.

How was it a strange target if he wanted to wreak havoc? He clearly wreaked havoc at a record breaking level.

Terrible Tim Nation.

As soon as they found out it was another white guy. Quick find an IMDB page of a guy with a similar name!

We have the documents folks

"Turns out the guy was a registered sex offender! #pizzagate"

Anders Behring Breivik in old person make up

The lowest form of Scandinavian life. Basically a Polack with skis, but dumber