Reminder: 'Oh stop, just stop'

123  2017-10-01 by 866-Ron-0-Fez


I wish Pepper just stabbed him for stealing his bit

And then stabbed himself for having it in the first place.

He should've trampled him to death with his hooves.

Never fuck with a centaur.

Who's that guy saying stop

Every single one of us

Just stop

Looked like Todd Glass but could be one of the R&F guys

Its Don and he hates Opie's guts. Naive to the max

Wiki Wickland?

One and the same, I got to know him at live events. You can't see his cowboy boots in this vid but I assure you he's wearing them

Video won't play for me.


You're a very lucky man

I call em scope brothersssss

...............Scope Bros was a short lived Hicks bit from well over a year ago..............

Slobbery-mouthed idiot

But enough about Sherrod

None of these people have reached out to Opie after he was fired.


this video demonstrates relationships before and after you have any contractual obligations to be civil. They couldn't care less.

Except Opie was never civil, even with a contract.


He doesn't have the brain of a human. It's the brain of like, a crab, or something.

Fawkin' home run

I'm not even going for a joke. I'm trying to wrap my head around what in the name of christ is the fuck wrong with him.

the kind that live on pubes, not the ocean

Can't you just see how annoying they think he is. Anything to get him to go away

Ron can't even look at him at the end of the video. I've never seen such an aura of "please, leave me be"

Hahaha Ron wont even look at this fucking idiot. He says good job Ron and Ron replied alright while staring I'm different direction.

"HEY RONNIE how ya doin!" 'yeah' - most calls to R&F

I loved that. Ron saying the exact same thing somehow cracked me up every time.

Caller: Hey Ronnie, love the show.

Ron: Yeah.

Caller: Umm...I got a brother in law who-

Ron: I got my own radio show...

First time long time...

That don't make ya'a bad person.

Hey Ron, love the show!

Yeah... It's a good show...

The all know that washroom tainted phone leads to firings.

Pure cringe

“You say Scope Bros! I say Scope Brotherss!” We’re witnessing a 55 year old man who has never had a single friend, despite working in comedy radio for 20 years.

Well why be friends with anybody when they all eventually stab you in the back? (Actual Opie quote)

This was one of Opie’s most embarrassing videos. And that is saying something. It defies logic how, even with his total lack of self awareness, Gregg would not be ashamed to share this. He behaves like your embarrassing drunk friend at the end of the night.

Sir, you obviously haven't suffered through the latest mindnumbing Opie's LA taxi video?! This vid here is NOWHERE near the embarrassment and self humiliation that the new video is lathered in. Jaw dropping stupidity at it's absolute worst.

Well, then. This I gotta see.

tHak yOu foOr LEenkEEng thEe vEEdEeo

Vid was already posted on here, wtf? Do I gotta put the bullet in and pull the trigger for you, too?

Stop being afraid of stealing another poster's thunder. Just link whatever you mention from now on.

Opie is David fucking Brent

It's worse. Brent thought he was important as the manager of an office. Opie's actually in the entertainment business. That extra layer adds so much more delusion and affirmation.

He's like a little retarded kid holy shit.

They're treating him like you treat a fucking toddler who's running up to show you his marker scribbles and you have to pretend like it's blowing your mind.

Ron total disgust is perfect... How can he not feel it though, regardless of not having any self awareness, on a damn animal instinct sort of level, how can he not feel how much he is disliked by everyone there.

Autism. It has to be.

It is sooo ridiculously obvious that everyone dislikes him. Even if my super cool friend was hammered off of two stiff 3% alcohol grapefruit beers I would be disappointed in this type of behavior.

Could he be anymore Chip-like in this?

nobody likes u faggot

Notification sounds and vibration in video? How do you even configure that?

Can anyone guess who those text's were from and what they said?

His doctor confirming his upcoming mammogram.

His wife saying she's going to be out later than expected. Because-- ::insert reason and strange dick::.


Opie sucks.

I would not be upset if Opie died.

You can see Ron is fucking sick of Opie

Ron even gives him the 'buddy' like you would an excited retard

When was this filmed? Recently?

Gail was the only one to laugh..that should say a lot.

This is serious next level cringe. Notice how Vos attempts to ditch Tits only to have him hover right back to him. Vos doesn't even look up at the him, (ugh fucks he's still here).

He's like that friend that everyone hates but won't be told, "Literally none of us like you, please stop hanging out with us, Faggot."

I shut off perfectly good music to hear this shit.

First time long time...

That don't make ya'a bad person.

Hey Ron, love the show!

Yeah... It's a good show...