Listening to Patrice Vs. Dr Z..

55  2017-09-30 by RBuddCumia

And if I hear Opie say "show us the boobies" while Patrice is talking one more time I'm going to ram my car into a day care.


Steering the ship, brothaman

"Then i heard a huge crashing sound and this car drove right through the wall and through the toy rack. Then some guy got out and started punching the children saying that he was "going to make it NIIIIICE"

Just a taste. Lil bit lil bit.


Patrice managed to insult her continuously and still get her to show her tits. All the while that nerdy douche with that gay moustache kept trying to back up Dr.Z

another fine example of Opie being the worst aspect of his own show. always trying to force a bit, incapable of letting things be entertaining organically and falling back on his hack shock jock roots. instead of listening to patrice dismantling this "expert's" book and be hilarious, let's take out boobies so all the listeners can enjoy her tits with their ears. now who's gonna smell bobo's taint?

Can you do it anyway?

that might be opie at his absolute most hatable. the fucking cunt doing that "ramble in a low voice" act while Patrice was given Z the business was so douchey and passive aggressive. then when he promptly gets called out for derailing the entire show he goes into his typical defensive high pitched tits mode saying "I was just trying to lighten the moooood". fuck him i hope he dies tomorrow.