The most surprisingly hilarious guest on O&A in the later years was, of all people, T.I

27  2017-09-30 by PutMeOver

If you haven't yet, listen to his second and last appearance. It starts a bit slow, but its actually one of the funniest segments in OandA's later years (let alone celebrity interview). I cant find the full appearance on YT, but there is the 15 minute highlights tits posted for his YT channel. Im sure the full appearance exists somewhere on one of the OandA streaming and archives sites.


one of the funniest interviews in the last years was Michael Madsen...

You mean that rich Hollywood actor faggot who took drama classes as a youth but now carries himself like a tough guy and talks like Mr. Blonde in real life?

I can see a faggot like you think hes cool and believing that he's actually a badass tough guy

He said funny, not badass and tough, you illiterate.

I don't think he's even that rich. Half his credits from the last decade are syfy films. Not only that, he even talks about which film paid for which divorce etc. It takes more muscles to frown, right gang?

That's the appearance he called Ant a 'decent human being' for his opinions on race.

He also had a great Eric Andre Show reaction and was a good sport about it later after he calmed down. But then he also saved Scott Stapp from committing suicide at a hotel, so whatever good he's done is negated from that.

God I really hope T.I. and Opie never stay in the same hotel

Ant actually stayed late during that interview. Which never happens normally.

Typically he was packing his back in the last minute of the show. Which looking back, was really a douche bag move. Booze bag couldn't sit through his ~4~ 3 hour work day before he was rushing back to the liquor store on the way home.

And he and Anthony got along like a house on fire. Just a couple of negro hoodlums shooting the breeze.

in his defense he had to sit there with Opie all day

OP, you like the interview because T.I. Is a "cool black guy" and nerdy white guys like you love it when a black person shows and interest in one of your interests

That's why there are whole YouTube channels with thousands of subscribers of white propel asking a cool black guy to "react to walk by pantera" or "react to master of puppets

Black people pick up on that energy when you interact with them. Awareness that you're a cuck is the first step

Hot take.

Look out folks

I don't often use the term projecting, but Jesus Christ how many black guys have fucked your ex.

Also I would like links to black guys listening to Metallica, that seems pretty chill.

"Also I would like links to black guys listening to Metallica, that seems pretty chill." Awful on so many levels.

Obviously a serious statement I was making.

Nigger lover.

I have nothing against black people, only beta white nerds who fawn over black males and fantasise about having a "cool black friend" who accepts them and is eager to learn about rock music and ice hockey.

It's never going to happen. They can smell the desperation on you and they laugh at you.

Yeah I don't do that. You seem super defensive that a black guy had an good interview for some reason however.

Some of the funniest interviews were from celebs you wouldn't think would do good on the radio. Ted Lange, Michael Shannon, and Donald Sutherland were a couple of good ones too


Mila Jovovich was an unexpectedly awesome guest. Really fun and likeable. If she had a half decent rack I'd have kidnapped her and probably murder sucided her years ago.

It’s amazing how blacks have no awkward handshakes.

Hello exactly! It's always what's worked for me.

C'mon oldest trick in the book Lahey