Reminder: Joe Matarese has a fan club (for real) and it's run by a transitioning oversensitive male named Karen, who is in love with Matarese believing him to be a complex and wonderful man (all true)

16  2017-09-30 by Gilgores_Trout


I'm so done with life in general.

It's going to get much, much worse.

Karen seems like a healthy, well-rounded young woman.

God damn it.


Is that a m2f or f2m? I figured I would be able to tell by voice but I refuse to add any views to a Joe fan.

M2f..but I agree..this is a difficult one to tell

Karen is good people. She was part of this epic Joe calling in bashing

Yeah Karen seems cool

I mean she's completely out of her mind and is totally unstable but anybody who allows such a matarese beating on her show deserves plaudits.