Reminder: Ant and Jim think 20-year-old hot girls like them for their substance and character

111  2017-09-29 by Single_Action_Army

Hot college girls, perhaps the epitome of zero self-awareness, are a group that spent the last 8 or so years of their lives served on hand and feet by dumb boys who never asked them to develop a personality; the promise of their pussy being good enough. All they know and value in men at this point in their lives is physical attractiveness, someone who is "cool" to their girlfriends or pisses off their parents, and someone to pay for everything.

Here you have two 50-year-old men. One is an AIDSy self-proclaimed shit gargler and peter puffer and the other is a gravel driveway-looking vampire with all his features rotting or surgically altered. Neither of them like any remotely extroverted activities, content to live in their bubbles of consuming 1970s media at home. Both of them refuse to date above 30 but Jim claims to want to get married and Ant is a borderline pedo gifting preteens shit off Amazon. Nevertheless, they both think girls love them for who they are, especially Ant whose opening lines are always "I have a pool and home theater."
There seems to be a discrepancy here.


You make some solid points, but your tone just makes you seem bitter and jealous.

Also I think Ant and Jim both acknowledge that they get hotter chicks than they necessarily should because of their wealth and (minor) celebrity.

I'm not jealous I like dick

It's funny because Ant in particular acts as though we're all jealous of his ability to trick 4s with daddy issues into accepting his mutated Tunisian penis.

We are.

They also get deeply offended by any young woman who isn't interested in them. Remember how they attacked that intern chick who had the audacity to say she didn't want to date a 60 year old ped or a man who hasn't had normal sex in his entire life?

Dana was her name. And they overreacted but I was happy to see her get her comeuppance.

That may be true but their complete lack of self awareness is startling.

"burn victim with doll hair" made me laugh a fair amount. Thank you.

Remind me not to fuck with you because that was very mean.

Doll hair lol

Not enough money, at least. Everyone has a price.

Ah, okay then. So what's your price to fuck Jim and Ant?

one on one or both at the same time? I think since some of the girls Jim gets with command ~600 or maybe even 1k a night I should ask 5x or 10x as much since it's something that goes against my sexual nature.

Same with ant, he probably spends like 2k before he beds a gal.

so 20k for ant and 15k for jim, since there's an aids risk there, I'd feel pretty good about that.

"Fucking hookers without a bag..." Sir, Jimmy fucked a black mans asshole without a bag! Let's not sugar coat it as just a "hooker."

She was a normal enough girl who reacted appropriately. They are used to these chewed on skanks.

Hearing Jimmy refer to a sexy 19 year old with lovely long black hair as a “plain Jane” because she was repulsed by the sexual advances of a mentally ill shucked oyster was the height of his delusion.

He sort of played it off as a joke but he was no-shit outraged that a college girl wasn’t interested in his insane slimy Jean-Luc Picard looking ass. What an entitled retard he is.

Jim is gay and likes to be kicked in the balls

Has AntH really have dated a hot girl? He dates Long Island 3s who get bumped up to 4s because of their youth.

Exactly. A LI 3.

Here face is extremely symmetrical. Like if you took one half and mirrored it, it would look just like the other half

The acne and baby fat is one thing, but how did she ever hide those horse teeth? Did she get them filed down ad a model?

WTF is that?

Everyone has bad angles. She's still hot.

haha im not reading your report on their love life, im sure you did the research though.

Jim does but Ant knows the deal. He understands they use him for money and doesn't care.

There are only three reasons an even moderately attractive 20 year old female would agree to "date" either one of them.

  1. Money
  2. Some sort of pathetic "media exposure"
  3. A raging drug problem (see #1)

Anthony is an angry old crank and gun mishap waiting to happen and Jim openly talks about his bizarre sex fetishes, some of which would make a crack whore vomit in disgust. Ant needs to accept that his "gettin' young pussy" phase of his life is now behind him and Jim needs to accept that if he's incredibly lucky he'll have to settle for whatever human is willing to be in a room alone with him.

Also the obligatory fact that any girl who dates someone over twice their own age was molested/abandoned by their father

Jim openly talks about his bizarre sex fetishes, some of which would make a crack whore vomit in disgust.

He really does have people shit in his face and mouth, right? I've never quite been able to tell if this was a joke or not, but some recent-ish post here said something about he legitimately got pink eye from it and Colin mocked him for it, made me wonder.

He said he had his mouth shit in once and didn't enjoy it, but did enjoy getting pissed on and drinking piss.

I don't need to have my mouth shit in to know I wouldn't like it but hey what do I know?

Just need my lunch pail and container o coffee

That's right. Ya don't have to touch water to know it's wet! Well I better get back to the jobsite. The time clock's a waitin'.

you could metaphorically say jim shits in our ears each morning from monday to friday, amirite?


That's him trying to be vaguely interesting it's pathetic. He's just a lonely boy who will take whatever he can get

Wrong my friend, he "brings the funny"

Jimmy’s sexual insanity was mildly interesting in 1999 and may have warranted a “heh” or an exhalation out the nose, but in the 2000’s it’s just tiresome.

We get it Jim. You burned through your sexual fetishes with the speed and abandon of a lit pile of gunpowder. It doesn’t make you especially interesting, it just makes you obsessive and weird.

At least Anthony has the decency to fuck children. That’s at least scandalous. Jimmy just drives around in his BMW which he doesn’t understand how to shift gears in, looking for literal men standing on the street corner to fuck. That’s not funny, it’s just gross and sad.

I think in the future people will be unaware that Jimmy even had a radio show. He will be remembered as a low-rent Andrew Dice Clay, if he’s remembered at all.

Number 1. Welcome to women, dipshit

they see themselves as Hugh Heffner types until they're 90. As long as there's money, there will be 20 yr olds.

more like until they're 91 and croak amirite

Lol peterpuffer

And Ant despises and says he's never been with a hooker but all his girlfriends were fucking him for the money

Also, Sue has since admitted that she is a prostitute.

Has Ant dated a single girl post-money who wasn't a trainwreck you'd typically find at a bar full of 'regulars'? It's not just that he shoots for young broads, it seems he puts zero effort in finding any good ones. Only the easy ones fall into your lap

She was defending Ant.

I thought she held steady with Ant's "we're just friends" cover story? And how would admitting she's a prostitute help him?

Ant has never claimed anything of the sort. He knows damn well the only way he's getting chicks is because he's funny and rich.

11 year oldss can really relate to Jaws references.

This is long. You should go out tonight.

I remember Ant acting like this on Legion of Scags. He would speak with an air of being one of the guys just dealing with those 'crazy women', but who the fuck can relate to what Ant calls relationships, which is basically just paying 13 year olds to hang out with him & occasionally fuck him in his Berber ass.

Is there an age where women stop caring about physical attractiveness?

You're fucked forever, young fella

Wait, you mean Damone imitations don't get college girls wet?

I'm a 20year old boy. I don't think 20 year old girls really like anything

Someone should tweet this to them. Hit the nail on the head. I would but I don't use social media outside fb.

Young whores like money. This isn't ground breaking news, fella.

Money fawkin talks!

Anthony dates hot college girls? What are we talking about? They are damaged high schoolers. And for a girl that young they aren't even that hot.

He's a millionaire and he gets lower quality pussy than a jabroni like me.

Whoa buddy, don’t post an actual interesting thread that relates to O&A. Didn’t you get the memo that we’re exclusively dedicated to posting boring shitposts about Joe Matarese?

Why would I want to read about Jim Norton, the third mic of Opie & Anthony, the show that this forum is obstensibly created to discuss? I’d much rather read a trillion worthless boring shitposts about Joe Matarese, a boring nobody zilch.

Post a trillion more threads about Joe Matarese you boring fucking idiots.

The fuck do you mean borderline pedo? Hes a full blown child beating certified pedo. It likely runs in the family.


Anthony has never attracted a hot 20 year old girl. Don't perpetuate that little myth.