Almost the weekend, fellas. Any plans?

2  2017-09-29 by CaptainJeanLucPeckah

The married woman I was seeing decided to break it off and "rededicate" herself to her marriage. She was conflicted all the fucking time and I was starting to fall in love with her like a stupid asshole so my faggy heart is broken. Was nice to get laid regularly, though. I'm gonna find ways to torture myself for being so idiotic. But at least I'm not Jim "Euro Tranny Lover" Norton.

You scamps got anything lined up to stave off the abyss one more day?


Cleaning the litterbox. My cat put a plastic bag in it and shit on my bed i guess he's trying to tell me something

I like the cut of the lil' fella's jib.

Did that once. Don't date married women. They don't really like you. They at most like the idea of you. Then get an abortion.

Oh yeah, this was my first and last time for fucking sure. I knew she was just using me as kind of an escapist fantasy and I guess I was too a little. I thought she was genuinely cool, though. And she was quite the slutty bitch in bed. I'll definitely miss that.

Easy to be "cool" when it's part time.

Women 1-2 years out of a divorce are where it's at.

Maybe. Not very young girls. But not so old they can't have kids. You need to have a family. I do anyway. At 35 it's long overdue.

Oh sure. Just contrasting the married woman to the divorced but still young woman.

Getting a bottle of scotch and a pizza tonight. Beer & sushi tomorrow night. No complaints. God blesssss.

No one cares about your life.

I don’t want your life

An astute observation; I'm well aware I'm just being a sissy mary.

As a sign of your love for her you should go to her house and leave messages on her windows like "IM GOING TO KILL YOU BITCH" and just mush your penis on the windows so she'll see what she's missing in her life.

I was thinking of buying her a year's subscription to Compound Media as a parting gift, actually.

Go all in; get her Loot Crate.

I’m an alcoholic, guess what I’m doing

Sober october starts sunday bruh

I doin socktober. Same socks all month. Them muuugs gonna stink.

Thats for pussies and queers.

Volunteering at a soup kitchen, obviously.

You’re half right. Going to a soup kitchen

Bring me back some soup.

Hey, me too. What's your poison, if you don't mind my asking.


Waking up feeling remorseful for reasons unknown to you for at least a few hours?

Trying to solve why time has a direction?

Maybe kill the husband?

Wahhhhhh, my heart!

Be grateful you're not married to the whore and go buy a SNES Mini

Going to get embarrassingly drunk in front of a nice tame group of new 'friends'.

If the only light at the end of your tunnel is not being 'as bad' as Jim Norton, you may want to skip right to suicide.

Continually jerking off sitting down and hoping that my lungs stop working while I'm passed out with my head tilted to the side. I refuse to die in any other way.

I dated a married whore and fell in love ... what a fucking mess. I could never trust the unfaithful cunt because ... well, she was a whore. Anyway, rule being that you fuck them and treat them like shit because it is still better than what the cuck does.

I just ate a shitload of spring rolls and I think I might puke. That's pretty much all I've got going on right now.

Drugs and alcohol until i dont feel anymore.

Working. And just wait, if you did a good job that married bitch will be back at some point. But don't give her anything until she takes it in the ass.

I thought it usually went the other way around. I'll probably drink a lot until I feel better about going another month being mediocre and missing someone other than my SO.

I was in your shoes. That shit lasted a weekend. Now she’s back to blowing me in my car goodbye before meeting with her man for dinner.

He's banging that chick at work and no matter what she tells you, he has no plans to stop. He's the kind of guy who swears he will dump his wife only if she gets an abortion can't win a divorce with a pregnant side piece.

Weening off these weird psycho meds and getting Jap take out.

I like the cut of the lil' fella's jib.