This is the ideal male body. You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.

2  2017-09-29 by greygooser


He's too ugly to wear things ironically. He's too old to be cool. He's too bald to be cute. He's not funny. He has the worst possible voice for a job based around talking. Wrestling fans hate him. At best, listeners of his show tolerate him. I take comfort knowing once the show is inevitably cancelled, he will fade into obscurity. Sam is a faggot.

Yeah, he won't survive outside of Sirius. With Howard retiring the show might get cancelled even if it's doing relatively well on the platform.

Also whatever happens know that Jimmy is miserable and always will be. That brings me comfort.

I like knowing that he keeps telling himself that he's talented and he got to where he's at thru hard work and perseverance but in reality, Jim saved his ass from hosting a night show that nobody listened to. And he has the nerve to talk about starting something "new" and not like the "old show" like it's a bad thing, even though the only reason anybody knows of his weasel ass is because of the O&A show. "The last professional broadcaster", please, more like "the bastard son of opie and Anthony".

Real life Dr Seuss Character looking ass

Every year that passes he looks more and more like the Grinch.

Next Level Ugly.

Him and the cuban must shop at the some corny ass tshirt sites.

Check out the bottom of the shirt. That ugly ass thing is somehow a wwe shirt.

WWE releases garbage merchandise for their shit characters by the bucket full these days.

Wrestling shirts were never "cool" (and I'm a wrestling fan saying this) but as time went on they just got shittier and shittier.

A "Hot Rod" shirt isn't too bad, but I agree about the shirts nowadays.

The old school shirts are fine if they're legitimately the old ones, but if you wear a modern Hulkamania shirt you're probably autistic.

I've seen hardcore gay porn less gay than that. Both killed my erection.

I want to rip that faggot's stupid Drew Barrymore smirk right off of his face, tear the lip right from the skin. Carl Pilkington looking faggot.

He probably thinks he's being cute too.

I wish this photo was the POV of a firing squad.

Check out the bottom of the shirt. That ugly ass thing is somehow a wwe shirt.