Tired of Being Asked if I am Human

0  2017-09-29 by ImTakingADumpAsIType

Every time I create a new thread here on Reddit, I am required to verify that I am human and I am sick of it. I've created numerous threads so you should know by now that I am human. Enough is enough.

To make matters worse, it's a "robot" that is asking ME if I am human. That really gets my blood boiling.


You accidentally made a post without mentioning you're a female. Go back and edit it

bot lives matter

What other boring things bother you?

8===D------------- u/ImTakingADumpAsIType

Real mature.

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You're not human. You're a woman.

It takes one to know one.

Home run.

You remind me of me before I got my autism cured by a shaman.

I think the best solution is to stop making threads in here. Cancel your Internet connection while you're at it.