Finish the headline...(someone in the washington post is having fun)

100  2017-09-29 by dogvoicemail


I'm sure it's something about two nincompoops

Two nice gentlemen removed his hat.

N...FL players signed it for him. Also they were niggers.

God damn this made me laugh.

Naughty fellows stole his wallet and raped his elderly grandmother who was outside enjoying a grape soda.

You're really not too far off, sir. Just read an article yesterday about two ghetto thug criminal pukes that held up a 4 year old girl for the $ given her for grandmother's funeral. Sadly, true story.

Two Negotiators met the hostage takers' demands of Sprite Remix, scratch offs, and two cartons of Kools.

Newports, retard.


Niggardly clothed gentlemen of color who are prominent players in the NFL

Fat Rob Kelley on the right

the moderately thin black guy with dreads? classic bob kelly sighting

Buried that cocksucka

Aww shit

But there are 3 in the picture

wait! wait wait.... two N... ..... .... .... Gahdammit


....Two Nice Fellows bought him an X Box.

if that headline ends with ... "Bought him an Xbox One"

its pretty fucking shitty that they had to spring for the pre owned Xbox One he's holding hahahah

oh shit didn’t notice that, a new xbox cost like $50 more than a pre-owned. Cheap fucks.

That's the first thing I noticed too. Probably 50 million a year between the two of them.

System-ic racism. Get it? Cause it's a game system. Haha. I'm going to toss a toaster in the tub.

Two negro gentlemen stole his xbox and were heard saying as they were running out the store " And thats how you executive produce!"

iggers steal for boy in lieu of child support

Two No-good Niggers...


Two N...incompoops.

“Two n…just stole my truck”

Wow. Where did you get the transcript for every episode of the AA Show?

double guns randy style: NIGGERS!!!

Niggas tried to steal da gamez