Deranged mental patient Joe Matarese disables comments on a video where he attacks(?) hecklers.

24  2017-09-29 by TinKnockinMoroccan


i heard u got a pussy on ur hip and u be trying to make a little money on the side! lmao

This is me before meds in 2008.

? A childs dose of adderall? Ok. And if he's so ashamed of it by blaming it on meds why's he portray himself so cool in the title of the video. This transparent teenage girl is trying to appear edgy for both not being on meds and for having to be on meds.

Huge mistake!

Nice Green Day shirt, faggot.

Yeah, can you imagine deciding to "perform" in that?

American Idiot?

Itaaaaaalian idiot.


Green Day is only appropriate if you're 17 and younger.

Yeah, like sum 41

Was thinking more like Blink 182


You mean like good charlotte?

This guy stinks.

But do you like him?

Dis guys good

Tss Tss more like Joe Matapese of garbege

I went to go downvote his most recent video and saw it was called "Breaking My Pills Without A Pill Cutter". I closed the page with disgust immediately.

He loves bashing hecklers, but says he hates confrontational comedy. I'm beginning to think Joe is retarded

"This was before I was on meds" Ramooooone, somebody tell this faggot nobody likes his schtick

Call me a fag but this was decently funny. In fact, it's the funniest I've ever seen him in anything.

"Heckler ownage" videos are always fucking horrendous, that Hoffensher guy who has like 90 of them uploaded is the worst. Dude has one with Vos where Vos actually starts fucking with the heckler, and the man who's entire online gimmick is "heckler slayer" is on camera getting very visibly uncomfortable by what Vos is doing.

And also Matarese is a queer too.

Oh you mean this guy who just got destroyed for his fake heckling videos on /r/quityourbullshit yesterday??

Haha that fucking guy. Last I heard he was being blown over on r/videos a while back for one of his dogshit compilations, this is new to me. It rules.

LOL he is getting called out for using plants in the heckling videos AND for shaming people who need wheelchairs. I fucking loved it.

Hate how he refers to himself in the third person in that title. As if someone other than him uploaded it. A fan or an admirer perhaps. What a cunt.

He's trying to pass it off like it's a viral clip that everyone's talking about. It's nauseating.

Ben Shapiro does it too. He uploads videos on his own channel with titles like Ben Shapiro DESTROYS sjw on institutional racism!

"Please comment on this!"

Was thinking more like Blink 182